MF01 Mini / MT07- Mod/Upgrade - Copper Heatsink Cover Plate


I mean, maybe the process of lowering the temperature will not happen due to good cooling (in turbo mode) … but I think that the case will still heat up and there will still be a decrease … The question is actually how much time mod will extend the temperature drop in turbo mode?

I’ll take one

I’ll take two if possible.

Thank you,

jumping on board for one please

Man-o-man I want one of these…. :open_mouth: :+1: but then I would have to buy a MF01… :smiley:

The purpose of this mod is to termaly connect the AMCs (chips responsible for ramping) to the body off the flashligt. They were not transfering heat to the flashlight body well enough and heating up during ramping modes (not in turbo) causing their output to regulate down. This mod makes sure they dont get so hot without raising the temperature of the flashlight body as well. Turbo doesnt use these chips. In turbo the leds should be driven through MOSFET. This MOSFET is one the other side of the board and shouldnt generate much heat (if any). In turbo most of the heat comes from LEDs and this mod will not influence turbo run time (how fast the flashlight heats up). Those little piece of copper should slightly increase the thermal “mass” of the flashlight (amount of metal able to absorb heat) but I think it will be such a small increase that you should not be even able to measure any significant increase in turbo runtime.

In for 2, but would like more info such as % of additional runtime, some graphs, etc to make the improvement tangible. Thanks!

Sorry, if it’s not difficult for you to explain, I would like to know the dependence of things: 1. The linear change mode - is this related to the thermostability of the flashlight?
2. How does the reduction in AMC power affect the operation of the flashlight, and what is the danger?


For gerasalex: when this light came out, some people noticed to us strange behaviour we did not now from other lights. When you set this light to some level in ramp, lets say to max ramp value (roughly 2000 lumen) after 8-10 seconds the light will start to lower its output power and in like 20sec the visible intensity will drop to half (to like 500 lumen). This is caused by the AMCs on this two sided board. some larger lights have one sided board where the AMCs are in contact with the flashlight body. In this light, to fit them on such a small surface, they put them on the other side facinv the battery. Since they are not in direct contact with the body of the flashlight they do not transfer heat to it very well. When they get hot, the chip on the other side of the board detects the large temperature and starts lowering output power. The temperature sensor has no way of knowing if the entire flashlight is getting so hot or just one component exactly on the oposity side of the board from it is. Thats why user “man of light” came up with an idea for a MOD that would connect the AMCs to the body of a flashlight thermaly, so they would transfer heat to it and wouldnt get so hot unless the flashlights is hot.

Hallo man of light,
ich würde 5 (in Worten fünf) Wärmeleiter nehmen, passend zu allen meinen M01ern,
da Du erfreulicher weise in Deutschland Dein Domizil hast, passt es umso besser. :wink:


Thank you, I thought that these AMCs are connected to the main temperature sensor, but it is located on the other side of the board, but there is some
something remote, not a direct relationship between them.

Interested in two pieces!

I am interested in one as well.

Please send one of the prototypes to someone who is qualified in runtime data analysis. we are all interested in the tangible performance

^ this. I have the copper/stainless version and the throttling isnt too bad to my eyes so far, but id like to improve it if possible and worthwhile.

Sehr gerne, der Versandweg ist auf jedenfall sehr zügig innerhalb Deutschlands. Dauert leider noch etwas bis es soweit ist.

Yes, I would like to send one sample (half price + shipping) to someone who would like to do additional testing and provide some detail results like runtime graphs etc. But so far no one has offered for it. Please feel free to contact me if there is somebody who want to do this.

In the meantime I started to upgrade and build up my own testing environment. In a few days I will provide (update post #1) runtime graphs with direct comparison of the results in different scenarios, before and after the mod.

Interested in 4 pieces!

I sent a PM about testing :wink:

I would like 1 please.

Thank you!