Low-cost copper pills, spacers, optics, drop-ins (Updated 23/10/2022))

I ordered some parts a few weeks ago and they just came in. The parts look great and I am very pleased with the purchase. Some of the items were “seconds” and Kiriba-ru was very honest and upfront about the issues. Excellent communication and service.

Still have some soldered S2+ triples in stock. They are not perfect (used spacers with misaligned central hole, also pill and spacer have loose for before soldering and this may cause second misalignment) and limited in quantity so I dont list them in first post.
Cheaper than ever, $6/pc.

Ive got one PM with MF01 mini driver heatsink request (ASTROLUX MF01 Mini - common issues thread - #25 by man_of_light).
Im not sure that I will be able to sell the batch, so I need to know if here is enough users interested in.
Im thinking about cheaper alu version, price could be $6/pc.

I would buy two MF01 mini driver heatsinks in aluminium. Copper is maybe too heavy, especially in the copper MF01 mini.

Clearance time is over, prices have been corrected.
MF01 mini driver heatsinks will not be made.
I will make one more P60 quad shells batch (both in Cu and Alu). Trying to make them ready before NY.

In order to collect the number of orders, can you place an offer in the topic “ASTROLUX MF01 Mini - common issues thread”?

Sorry, I have already made final decision.

I will take 5 of Copper spacer for triple Convoy S2+/S3/EagleEye X2/BLF A6*/Astrolux S1. Please PM me for Total and PP info. Thanks.

PP sent.

Dang, I would have taken two.

My Convoy M2 quad mod went very well thanks to kiriba-ru! I wanted an aluminum spacer to keep the weight down. I used Nichia 219B 4000K LEDs with a 10622 Carclo lens. The 10623 Carclo lens was too floody for me. What an awesome beam and tint!

A new batch of P60 shells is ready.
$9 Aluminum
$16 Copper

I ordered and received some Copper S2+ triple spacers, and would like to report that the price, quality, and service was awesome. Thank you kiriba-ru!

Once I get my floors finished (trying to finish before Christmas so my wife is happy) I’ll put them to good use.

That is the body outer diameter, doesn't it?

With that size pills could be crafted to acommodate ∅20 mm drivers, or do they need to narrow down at the bottom? Never seen a “P60 type” flashlight.

I dont think we can name it “outer diameter” because top lip is bigger diameter. Lets say fit size.
Narrow bottom is needed for some brand hosts.
20mm driver is much more complicated option. Im making this retaining ring style drop-in for a while and have all tools and gauges for threads. This size rings are widely used so I can get them from china. Changing this size will bring many problems, I will need to order custom gauges, and machine custom rings (which is not cost effective).

Simon offers 20mm rings as well now. New age of 21700 lights. Just saying ;). All becomes easier with 20mm drivers and brings more space for flexibility.

Right. I have two 20mm rings from Simon and they are different. Also, sometimes he wont sell spare parts (but was happy to sell same parts some time before). So I would prefer to have several vendors for spare rings, and be sure that they are more or less similar.
When I developed C8TT, I was sure that 90% will use 20mm driver. In reality 90% asked how to place 17mm driver.

More driver space is better suited for buck and boost engines, and overall a wider variety of driver designs.

Luckily not all hosts require retaining rings. For example, an UltraFire SK98 O:) fits ∅20mm H1-A drivers like a glove.

I think certain flashlight designs could get some improvement. UF-1405/1504 torches could get upgraded copper/aluminium pills with room for ∅22mm driver, there are many boost and buck engines available in that size.

UltraFire lists the “1405” in their site, too.

There will be copper pills for single and triple S21A?

No. I’m thinking about triple spacers for S21a.