Ultimate LED Bulbs - Ultra High CRI - The Honorable Quest

And here are the results: ranked #1, #2, #3 & #7 in the Ultimate LED Bulbs table. Quite the jackpot!

thanks! It is my baby! =)

Do not buy on aliexpress led bulb kits! Buy on taobao!

There is one big problem with led bulb kits from aliexpress seller what I find. Plastic thing (where E27 carving). This plastic will die and crumble (turn into dust, will cracked) after about 6 month =( That was the reason why I bought 3d printer. I will do this part from poliuretan plastic. From taobao sellers it is still alive =) But I do not want to repeating this situation. It must work 20-35 years in my lamps!

Thanks for the warning.
But who is to say the ones i linked to are made from the same crappy plastic?
I guess time will tell…

When it is new, it is impossible to know crappy or not =(

If you really want something overkill, here is what I ordered:

Does anyone plan on reviewing high CRI LED tubes? The kind you replace fluorescent bulbs with. I have two 48” fixtures in my living room and would like to get some high CRI tubes to put in them. Or maybe i should just change the fixtures?

The fins on these heatsinks are too tight. Convection cooling works better with wider spacing between fins… but this is taobao, so they probably go by “more fins better” :person_facepalming:

I’ve made a pendant light.

This is a lampshade from the store, 4 ExpertColor 3000K spots, some accessories, and a round piece of acrylic diffuser with a patterned “bumpy” side. I frosted the other side. It works very well and makes a beautiful soft diffused light. Sure it is a bit weird to use GU10 spots to make what is basically a big softbox, but… that’s what I had on hand and I really like the tone from these. They’re perfect to light the dining table. I think I’m going to make another with Sunlike LEDs.

I think we might have a winner on this one , 95 CRI minimum, 84 R9 minimum, 2200K CCT, and BBL tint.

no =)
this is the winner in low CCT (2700-2800k) :face_with_monocle:
0.5$ per 1pcs :money_mouth_face:
CRI:99-100 CQS:99-100
But I made glass mated by myself
If add diode (or low voltage) - it will be more low CCT

If you did one of your sun-likes in 2200K-2500K I’d buy it. :wink: I’d actually really like the 2500K to match Philips SDW-T, white sodium.

Now I can only try to use most white cover for led bulb (white milk from Chinese language). But it will be 2500-2600k with 2700k led.
I already contact with SmartEcoLightning co (SOL manufacturer), they say that 2000pcs if I want 2300k. I have no so much money for this =(

About bedtimebulb.com

They have awesome web-site, but shit product for 20$. I mean that they almost ordinary filament bub is shit. It will work about 1 year, because there is no any cooling system for crystals.

I think my bed time bulb is better.
Oh yes, i was gonna post some pics.
“i’ll be back”

almost 2 years ago I bought from this seller 3 pcs “7w wide” kits. I liked it. Month ago I ordered 120pcs for SunLike ∞ model (8w cheap model for 11€ per 1pcs if ~25pcs - up to 2kg with package), also I designed and ordered 300pcs alluminium pcb boards for this model with 12pcs 3030 TRI-R SunLike (SAW) leds. Actually, it is one place in all internet where I find this led bulb’s bodies.

s. D120mm is more overkill than D95mm led bub body :sunglasses:

Does anyone here know of a viable, affordable, dimmable LED fixture for a torchiere style lamp?

So here are some fairly crappy, hand held phone pictures of my 1.5 Watt 2000K 95CRI E27 bulbs with Nichia E21 inside:

1st and 2nd version

Some parts.
Drivers are 50 cents, bulbs are 50 cents, heat sinks are 50 cents. :blush:

So cute! :slight_smile:

It could go up to 2 Watts in that set up and stay cool enough with that heat sink, but the drivers turned out to provide only 450 mA in stead of the promised 600 mA.
But it’s the right amount of light for a bed side light.
I estimate it reaches around 45°C under room temperature conditions.
The little sphere lights up nice and evenly, despite the LED sitting at the bottom.
Light loss due to the white plastic of the spheres is much less than i expected.

I think you will like this types of bodies

What the actual crap…

If there were any heatpipes in the design, I would mistake this for a CPU cooler lol.

Anyway, is your desk this cluttered, is it just my impression?