SP31V2.0 LH351D version are available on sofirnlight website

What’s the company’s policy, if a product disappears while being shipped? It’s refunded on Aliexpress, what is in this store?

Oh, I got one already, and just wanted a spare.

(The one with the ’351s under the hood, that is. I’m getting spoiled.)

I would have loved 4000k 351’s, but these are really nice!

Just ordered Sofirn 21700 4800mAh 3.7V Battery 48A 10C and $2 off too! :partying_face:

Well shoot I just picked up an SP40 even though I said I was through with more flashlights for several months. Go figure :person_facepalming:

Wow, we are buying their warehouse empty. :disguised_face: Hope they will be able to ship all of the products. :wink:

Never say you are done with buying flashlights. You will be overwhelmed with irresistible deals until you buy again. :smiling_imp:

Trust my experience if I say that the best offers always show up when you don’t want to buy anything. :money_mouth_face: :smiling_imp:

Hmm, SF22 as-is for Host use, $19.99.

14500 cells NOTE photo shows 4 cells in plastic carrier but cart shows only buying two of the cells. read the fine print.

:person_facepalming: updated

Does the SP40 come with a magnetic tailcap? It doesnt say below.


From Sofin regarding C01S on Sofinlight.com

“Black is H/L;other colors are L/H”

Next batch might be available a week later

Haha :laughing: yes, sometimes I have same experience.

Thanks for all your support. This website is not perfect. Please let me know if you find some information is confusing or incorrect. We are trying to make it right as soon as possible.

Yes, it has. Thanks for asking. We may update our listing next.

Is everything you sell on the site in stock?

Sofirn is trying to make sure the inventory information is correct. But the warehouse system of sofirn is not good enough. It hapens when the system tells there is some inventory but warehouse staff can not find it. Or when the system tells no inventory but the warehouse staff find one or two units. Sofirn need to improve the management of warehouse.


I couldn't order anything from sofirnlight.com since there are no shipping options to the Netherlands.

Could you please add them?


Hm. Ordered December 13th. Item is already visible in T&T.