Group Buy Now Live - BLF GT90 SBT-90.2 powered 5,000 Lumen, 1.8Mcd / 2600m Super Thrower

Luminus makes the SST-20 in all temps

Luminus started making the SST-40 in only CW but now we have 5000K

You shouldn’t hold your breath on NW/WW but it’s not impossible

Bought one!

And here I was happy with my K1 and awaiting the FT03 in SBT90.2, whelp good thing I run on instant noodles and live some what frugally as flashlights are the only thing draining my savings…. bought one ! =D

TA do you know if Lumintop is still making the GT4? Or at least know if it’s definitively canceled?
I was waiting on that and don’t want to buy the GT90 if GT4 will be released eventually.
Only have enough budget for 1 of them :slight_smile:

Same here. I’ve been waiting on the gt4 for nearly a year. Definitely don’t have a need for two big lights.

I thought the same when I only had the BLF GT70 but here I am now… sitting with a MS18 in the other hand waiting for this to be shipped now….

This is the emitter that this host needs, the shots are amazing, and the price is quite reasonable when compared with other “super” lights, most of which merely create walls of blinding light that serve no practical purpose anywhere with even the slightest nighttime humidity, IMO :wink: .

I’d love to buy one, but it’s just not possible. I look forward to more beamshots and comparisons as the lucky 100 get theirs, though, and am hoping that other projects are able to simplify their GB process as well. Off to watch those beamshots again…

I doubt it. If I recall correctly, the warmest SBT-90 was 5700K in both standard and high-CRI versions, so I expect it’ll be the same for the SBT-90.2. I doubt we’ll ever see a high-CRI SBT-90 or SBT-90.2 in a production flashlight, but it would make a fascinating modding project….

I definitely don’t need any big lights, and have absolutely no practical use for a mega-thrower. So, of course, I just bought a GT90 and will probably get a GT4 too if it’s ever made.

I really want this light!

How about shipping to EU, does it come in 2 packages like the last BLF-GT?

I really wish I knew. I have not gotten a peep about the GT4 in months. Heck the SBT-90.2 idea was meant for the GT4 not the GT (since running the LED’s in 4S makes it much simpler then the GT having to be converted to 1S).

I want them to make an SBT90.2 version of the GT4 but I think they are worried the price would be too high (it would be significantly higher cost then the XHP70.2 and they would most likely not recoup all the extra costs leading to lower profit margins).

Far as the GT4 itself, I am guessing that after the GT90 is finished and “on store shelves” they will start work on the GT4 again. Who knows when it will be ready for sale though. I really want it to come out as well, the prototype is one fun light. The prototype was basically ready, only a few minor issues left to work out, really surprised they did not just finish it and start selling it honestly.

I would LOVE a high CRI version but like you I kinda doubt it will happen due to how hard these LED’s are to get and how expensive they are.

I just might mod mine with one down the road though.

Not sure, Guessing it will come in a single box but you will need to check with Neal on this to know for sure.

makes no sense the GT 4 is still not out since it was supposed to have the xhp70.2 so no led shortage or anything, they should decide if cancel one project or atleast update if both lights are coming out i know lots of people wait for the GT4 to happen - they should give a small update now that its a new year and all…

Trust me, I agree 100%. I have no clue why they have been putting the GT4 on the back burner, it is so close to being ready.

While the GT90 is cool for sure (better then I expected honestly), I had in mind to mess around with this some time after the GT4 release. Of course I just really want to see the GT4 in the wild, I am quite proud of the passive cooling capability it has.

Very true, although sadly there are rarely LED’s that can compete with the SBT90 series from luminus, it is just a very unique LED. I would love to see some other options though.

They probably realized that the profitability of the GT4 won’t be as high as if they are to continue pump out variations of the FWxA or EDC0x which are much easier to make, or even the single-emitter versions of the GT; which compared to GT4 one would assume is much easier to make both in terms of # of LEDs and body-style.

At this day and age if they release a XHP70.2 version of it it won’t be nearly as competitive or as a novelty flashlight anymore as market’s saturated w/ high-powered thrower/flooder combos from other companies already.

It also makes sense why they’re hesitant on making SBT90.2 versions of the GT4 as I can only imagine how high the prices are going to be, if the GT90 costs 250-350 already, I”d guess GT4-SBT90.2 would be $400-500. There’s a huge drop-off in interest and volume of units sold if a light goes over $200. There’s just no profit-margins or volumes there to drive profits, even if it does come out, unfortunately.

I wonder if they can use the SST70 LEDs like Haikelite is using in their 4-emitter 8-18650 light… might work better and be far cheaper.


Yes, these are valid concerns I have as well, part of why I want them to release it so that at least it will be released at some point lol. I don’t see it selling large quantities sadly due to the reasons you said but it is still a nice light.

Mostly I wish they would keep me in the loop on what is going on.

Been lurking here for awhile, always amazed at the BLF GT & the other amazing lights out there, and then watched Matt’s video of this beast; now it’s sitting in my cart & I’m debating whether to click the buy button. I already have a Convoy L6 & a Sofirn SP70 and they are really great lights, but I think this is so many leagues ahead of those. I do actually use them for work, not on a daily basis so the size really wouldn’t be an issue, but I think the wow factor will be off the charts. And I suspect once released, I’ll not see a price this good in a long while. Man, decisions, decisions…

This is in another league from the L6 for sure. It will make the L6 look like a flooder by comparison. Now weather you need a super thrower like this, that is something only you can know.

For those that actually need to see long distances for work, this is a one of a kind light.