Group Buy Now Live - BLF GT90 SBT-90.2 powered 5,000 Lumen, 1.8Mcd / 2600m Super Thrower

Yes, these are valid concerns I have as well, part of why I want them to release it so that at least it will be released at some point lol. I don’t see it selling large quantities sadly due to the reasons you said but it is still a nice light.

Mostly I wish they would keep me in the loop on what is going on.

Been lurking here for awhile, always amazed at the BLF GT & the other amazing lights out there, and then watched Matt’s video of this beast; now it’s sitting in my cart & I’m debating whether to click the buy button. I already have a Convoy L6 & a Sofirn SP70 and they are really great lights, but I think this is so many leagues ahead of those. I do actually use them for work, not on a daily basis so the size really wouldn’t be an issue, but I think the wow factor will be off the charts. And I suspect once released, I’ll not see a price this good in a long while. Man, decisions, decisions…

This is in another league from the L6 for sure. It will make the L6 look like a flooder by comparison. Now weather you need a super thrower like this, that is something only you can know.

For those that actually need to see long distances for work, this is a one of a kind light.

SBT-90.2 based lights are hot at the moment, and the GT90 gives Lumintop a compelling competitor to the newish Acebeam K75. The GT90 is much larger than the K75, but out throws it.

In contrast 70.2 LED lights have been around for quite awhile now, there are several lights using multiple 70.2’s on the market already that will beat the GT4 in total lumen output, and (through sheer lumen output) rival if not beat it in throw. The GT4’s main benefit is running at high output for a long time without active cooling, which is harder to market as that’s not a headline stat like lumens and candella.

I also wonder if Lumintop have run into difficulties producing the GT4. It’s deep fins are certain to be more difficult to manufacture and something that could easily go wrong in the transition from handmade prototypes to full production.

From what I have heard, production has not been much of an issue, that is part of why I stuck with a fairly simple fin arrangement vs going a bit more fancy for marginal gains in performance as it would of made production harder.

You are on point about the SBT90.2 being the hot new thing right now, which is they decided to push this light over the GT4.

I liked that the L6 (& the SP70) had (from my point of view) a decent combo of flood and throw for my uses. From the video it appears the GT90 has enough spill for my needs, and obviously throw. My Sofirn is pending sale to my brother atm, and the GT90 is ordered. I see a lot of maniacal laughter in my future……

Yes. the L6 is still high on my short list of lights everyone should own. The best general use “classic flashlight”.

Although personally I have found myself moving more towards the soda can lights to fill that role lately many still want the classic flashlight shape.

A mile and a half of throw? But I can’t see anything that far away in broad daylight! :open_mouth: LOL

That is actually the biggest issue with getting lights this powerful lol.

I’m going to add my $0.02 here, I’m sorry.

But this is a category of flashlight, that by shear size and cost of raw materials and (more meaningfully) machining time, CAN’T be made cheap. The most expensive part? Likely the reflector and head; a part that isn’t changing between [single emitter] versions. The battery tube is another thing that isn’t changing.

So here we have a non-standard problem needing a non-standard solution.

What would make a lot of sense to me is selling just the cell holders and emitter+driver+switch+heatsink as an assembly. Understanding that in this case the emitter is very expensive (~$50), I can still imagine that the cost of such product would be well under $100. A very magical price around this forum.

I’m also wary of ordering from Nealsgadgets. He’s a one-man shop vs big companies like Banggood and Fasttech, sure, so no customer service. But he also isn’t passing the savings onto you. It’s not like lights from him are cheaper. Thus, what you’re getting is a complete lack of support for purchasing lights of the same price. All of my MF01s, MF01minis, 8 different FF lights were all purchased from Banggood because it’s cheaper. Hell, it’s not like he has a large warehouse he has to manage with active inventory. He probably just drop-ships all of the lights from various OEM manufacturers.
It’s like going to your podunk stick-in-the-wall single-pump gas station in the middle of nowhere that’s cash-only, and end up paying the same price for gas as the Conoco down the street.

And for those who hasn’t been burnt by Neals, it will happen.

This was suggested with the GT70 as well, for some reason they did not go for it.

Although if I was to pull a number out of my butt I would guess the cost for a conversion kit would be around $125-$150 since it also has to include new cell carriers and I think the reflector is different to fit this much larger LED, at least that is what they said.

I can say for sure that they will not be open to it until they have more LED’s on hand, after that I give it a small chance sadly after all the hassle that the GT70 conversion kits caused.

I doubt they made any changes to the reflector, personally. Pixel counting in MS-Paint told me they are within 1mm of each other. The original GT had a massively oversized opening for the XHP35 which by my measurement is ~17.5mm, ~2mm more than is needed to envelop an SST90.

Anyway… I’ll stop now.

Goodluck with the GB TA! Thank you for your contributions here

Bought one. Thanks fellow Texan!

Just so you know, I am on your side. I was the one that pushed hard for the GT70 conversion kit when they did not want to do it at all. Sadly the results of that are what makes me think a GT90 conversion is not likely as much as I agree it would be a very nice option.

I have not given up but I do know when to pick my battles, and there is zero chance of it happening as long as they can’t get enough LED’s for the complete lights. Once the LED supply stabilizes is the time I can bring up this option and see what they say. Until then I would just be beating my head against a wall lol.

Haha me too!
What I found with these super throwers that have 1.5mcd+ is that it lights up more near objects or animals VERY well, which is what I was needing since on my ranch the distances to things I want to see very clearly (put alot of light on) was further than my 600kcd lights were able to illuminate enough.

Also, that laser beam of daylight is something coyotes and foxes havent seen before, and it scares them off like a rifle shot…

Would have been cool to see this with a top of the line buck convertor. Oh well, it’s already out of my price range.

While a buck driver would be fantastic. With the SBT90.2 a buck driver would make the driver MUCH more expensive and less reliable. Skylumen had a lot of issues getting a buck driver to work with these LED’s and spent a LOT of money on them and he had US manufactures make them. I just don’t trust china to handle that kind of thing right now without a very good and tested reference design to work from.

That said the FET driver in the GT90 does manage to push 27A to the LED and maintains a more stable output then competing lights that do use buck drivers over time. So I would not say we are giving up much.

I read in another thread where people were saying animals are insensitive to bright flashlights at night. Maybe those flashlights weren’t bright enough. I blasted my W30 at a skunk and it immediately ran for its life.

Just ordered the whole SBT90.2 kit. Thanks Texas_Ace.