Sofirn C01R deep red [sold out, discontinued]

Wine red would be fine for me, otherwise “normal” red would work as well.
mode memory is fine and preferred sequence would be L-M-H
And a sub-lumen brightness would be fine as locator in the dark, I wonder how long the battery would last in that mode…
add me for one more!

Interested in one!

Interested in one. Thanks

Interested in one. Wine red anodizing preferred.


Please change all 3 of mine to deep red. Thank you!

Interested in one (preferably Deep Red / Wine Red).

One in red please! :slight_smile:

What’s the purpose, other than “Ahhh, nice deep red…” ? :slight_smile:

I have a SingFire 348 with a 660nm fake XP-E in it (and also yellow, cyan, 395nm, 365nm, Nichia blue pump (by accident…)).

It is a very nice color, but other than that…

For me I never had and always wanted a red light flashlight. I want to test the night vision out. Most out now seemed quite weak. I’m referring to keychain lights though. Anywho I’m no red led pro but I presume this light will output a good amount of red light?

It allows one to see short distances while preserving night vision. Useful for getting around in the dark and not disturbing anyone else sleeping.


All new entries have been accounted. Please note that I will not be here on BLF as often anymore, i.e. some delays may occur in communication. For the time being, I will ask Barry to post upcoming news on this project. Thank you all for your great support!

are u ok ?

May I please be added to the interest list? Thanks

Sure, I’m fine. I will keep on providing support for this project as much as I can.

Sure, I just added you to the list, see OP.

Two flashlights please.

1 625nm and
1 660nm

Please refresh list.

In for two irrespective of tint (preferring deep red)

interest in wine colour


interested in 2