Flashlights For Ghost Hunting

The list is terrible. Is there any use of niche leds like UV or IR or something else when it comes to ghost hunting?
I wouldn’t look for ghost or spirits, but should I nevertheless do so, and assuming it’s indoors, I’ll take a pair of Noctigon M43 lights, and a pair of Thrunite TH30 headlamps that can be used as hand held lights as well.
However, I would consider the possibility that somehow all my lights with electronics could go poof, so I’ll take a pair of no electronics incan lights that are powered by single 18650 cells. And of course, just in case a pair of lighters and candles and stuff.

For ghost hunting, I use the same flashlights as for Big Foot hunting and Loch Ness Monster hunting.

I haven't had any luck so far, but I'll keep trying.

As if there’s no evidence for such things.
But they won’t accept any evidence anyway.
They demand a scientific ghost meter or something.

Harry Houdini, was good at uncovering man made ghosts.
He upset many mediums & bringers of ghosts.
I wonder why most ”ghosts ” are usually Victorian or medieval ,why no caveman ghosts?
Why no animal “ghosts”?
In my opinion the lochness Monster wasn’t made up to bring tourists in ,it is really a prehistoric “ghost”

Okay, so you’re either one of those FE believers who think they’re smart or you’re one of those atheists who think they’re smart. :person_facepalming:

“Claiming to be wise they became fools” someone once said…

Not that i’m oh so wise, but i know a thing or two about a thing or two.

I can assure you it’s not grandma on the unseen side of the Ouija board.
For the rest, the word “demon” only has a negative connotation in (previously) Christian culture.
One could call them gods or angels too.
In other cultures the interaction with ‘the unseen realm’ is more common, especially in Africa.
I have no reason to believe they can be spirits of deceased humans, but i know they will pretend to be if it serves their purpose.

Wouldn’t it be cool if there were ghosts of EVERYTHING? Like, you are sitting in the living room thinking about the Baconator that you ate three weeks ago and the ghost of that Baconator comes floating by. I guess it would be the ghost of a cow and a pig, but what if ghosts of objects existed? The parachute pants I had back in the 80’s would show up in my dresser from time to time, or my old lost VHS copy of Mac and Me would suddenly appear sitting on the dining room table.

I mean, there has to be some merit to this. Every time someone sees a ghost, it is wearing clothes….so there MUST be clothes ghosts at least. Perhaps it is only organic compounds that can be ghosts. So natural fiber clothing can be a ghost, but if the ghost is wearing a watch, only the leather band would appear.

Ya know, there is a lot to think about with this ghost stuff.

As for flashlights…I think the pen light is the best one for ghost hunting. It is the light that the doctor uses when giving you an exam for mental illness.

Suddenly you get a tingly premonition of a soon-to-be ghost thread, taken out in its prime by the merciless BLF Rule #3.

Have you read any of the comments here? Already people are being ridiculed, citing mental illness, etc. Those making the comments are anything but open-minded.

Humans do not argue for a reason. They simply argue.

True dat. Using a ouija board is pretty much sending out a big “yoohoo!” to the juvenile-delinquents of the spirit world.

Well, open minded is one thing, but falling for anything is something different. My “ridicule” was simply part of a joke to lighten the mood, and was not meant to offend. As for my thoughts on spirits on Earth…scientifically, I am not a believer. As a believer in the Bible, I will quote Luke 16:26 - (New International Version) “And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.”

As for Ouija boards…they started as a parlor game…that’s all…nothing spiritual until someone DECIDED to claim that.

Now, so as not to completely derail a fun thread, I will say this:

I agree that the lights mentioned in the article would not be the best for any expedition really. I would want a light that would provide runtime lasting through the night at high enough power to navigate, check equipment and illuminate a large room. I would also suggest a light that has a Turbo mode that is easy to access and blindingly bright, Personally, I would want something semi-floody in the 2000 lumen range.

Well of course. Sitting around waiting for the planchette to move on its own (or having the spirit/ghost/demon/whatever move it), well, you’d be waiting a long time.

The ideomotor effect taps into the subconscious, and the point is that rather than hearing granma whispering in your ear, you let the subconscious “do the talking”.

Same as with dowsing. There’s nothing magical about it, and the Y-shaped branch, or crossed rods, whatever, don’t move on their own, but the dowser senses whatever’s being looked for (subtle, like a migratory bird’s sensing of magnetic north) and then oh-so-subtly tips the rods to cross, or lets the branch dip, etc.

Back to the bird… if one could talk, you couldn’t just ask him to point north. But in flying, he’ll “sense” which way to go. There’s actually a “compass” part of the bird’s brain that actually has a tiny bit of… I think it’s magnetite, but I don’t recall details right off.‡

Quick example… Once coming home in my car, I was crossing under the (elevated) expressway, and was first on the line waiting at the red light. The light turns green, and just as I was about to hit the gas, it was as if voice yelled at me, “STOP!!”, only there was no audible voice at all, just a feeling as if there were. I was stunned for a second or so, and just as I was about to hit the gas again, a big honkin’ tow truck (the big ones, like those which haul buses or other trucks) skidded to a stop halfway across my path.

After getting a dumb look from the driver (duuuh, whoops), he backed up so that I could get through the intersection. It didn’t hit me until I got home that I could’ve gotten t-boned had I taken off when I otherwise would have, as that truck would’ve been embedded in my car right up to the center console. Hell if I knew where I’d end up.

So? Someone watching over me? Subconscious “sensing” of a speeding truck heading my way? No tires screeching to a stop (until I was just about to go), no honking horns, nothing. So how did I sense the truck coming?

Frankly, I have no idea. That “voice” yelling at me to stop still sticks with me to this day, though.

‡ Whups, it’s in the bird’s beak, not brain.

How about IR lights for Night Vision Devices? I would think that would be a great light to have as well…both for night vision goggles and cameras.

The Streamlight 88704 Super TAC IR Long Range Infrared Active Illuminator seems a great choice.

Have there been many IR light reviews on BLF?

The navigation system is much more interesting.

Protip: Any time a web list has “Check Here for Prices”, “Buy Now from Amazon”, “See Pricing at Walmart”, it’s all about the affiliate bucks.

Thought I’d pass on (pun intended) my thoughts on this….

In my experience dealing with ghosts over the years is that the best flashlight is a single mode only….
…one that just has MEDIUM mode….true

Maybe you used a HEADlight in the hunt for bigFOOT. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just a 15 drive from Bigfoot country!

The world needs more Vic Tandy.

So, basically, ask a flashaholic caver?

Personally, a headlamp makes sense to me, and there are so many good ones to choose from. Zebralight, Fenix HP30R or HM65R, Panda, Fireflies…