DBC-07 update, SBT-90 Gen 2

Doesn't that seem like a marketable light!

I wish the reflector were available, as it is… as far as I know, it’s one of a kind. A prototype that never flew.

If you ever decide to part with it, would be fun to try an auction right here at blf. I bet there could be some serious interest for it.

I have to agree! Isn't that close to an LEP, beam-wise?

I have a Maxtoch LEP and while it does throw outrageously it only makes 300 some-odd lumens. To throw over a mile with close to 5000 lumens is just insane!

And now you're just bragging! LOL! But rightly so!

Better than Giggles?!?!?!?

:+1: Looks awesome. How’s the balance in the hand? :smiley:

When I got it done my back was kicking me so I sat down in a recliner in the den to chill a bit. Pointed it at the lamp across the room and turned it on… the intensity made me laugh like the fool I probably am! Giggles, hahaha, not even close!

Balance point is about middle of the cooling fins in the bare al head, some inch and a quarter in front of the switch. In hand, comfortably balanced, the switch sits under the joint of my thumb… easy and simple one handed operation. :wink:

It’s a wet night, almost foggy with a heavy mist swirling in the breeze. I can see the parallel column of light out in the distance to some 150 yds, but a picture doesn’t show it like that… it almost looks like a Comet is being released out of the column of light. Weird, but there it is…

The Great Pyrenees watching over livestock about 500 yds out in the night doesn’t like this, he’s barking his disapproval in my direction.

The weather was just the same here a few nights ago and I did the same thing with about 9 lights, mostly throwy, 4000K, 5000K and one at 6500K. Took 10 second videos for better capture. Misty mesmerizing movies.

I thought about movies for context but bandwidth and all that… living in the country sucks when it comes to internet speeds.

As only Dale does. Not sure whether the torch is crazy or the guy holding it. Maybe both. :beer:

Thats an impressive piece of work and a ridiculously powerful thrower. I can understand that this provokes more than giggling… :slight_smile:

You are a great artist Dale and I love the designs you make. :student:

What a monster… and it looks good too. Nice work Dale.

Thanks guys, appreciate it.

Artist? Lol, I look at it and see bits and pieces hacked together. :person_facepalming:

So, if I wind up with three of these 90.2’s free and clear would it be so ludicrous to build a BTU Shocker triple with them?

Yes, it would be SO LUDICROUS.

Yeah, my Dad’s near Grandview, and I’ve got a brother north of Houston. I’ve spent time in San Antonio and Amarillo, and driven Texas east-west and north-south. I have relatives in OK (Alto Texas). TX has it all, but if you look at the satellite photos on Google Maps, an awful lot of it looks like your neck of the woods. Almost moved there this summer, but things didn’t line up.