*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

I got the first one in the mail, and ive been loving the hell out of it, except that when i get the 2nd one, im going to be sending it to my sister in the yukon, and sofar, ive had the rubber flap for the usb cover come off and not go back on properly, so it looks like im going to have to figure something out before i send the 2nd one to my sister since the water proofing is actually going to be important considering that she does a lot of canooing. ill probably post pictures of what ever i do come up with as a hotfix.

I seen its very close to the design of the same USB port cover of the Sofirn IF25 and the SP33, (which are two hosts i am working on to develop the LT1-Mini/Micro from) I found the trick to prevent breakage of the cover rubber pin that holds the flap to the side, (We have spoke to Sofirn about possibly making that connection pin part a bit longer so its less susceptible to breaking) For now with current LT1s. if you open the the cover then rotate it 18 degrees it helps save it from breaking. I will do a video as soon as i can demonstrating that and brief of the port cover.

Ordered mine 26 Nov and it shipped on 29th. I have not received it yet!

if it was ordered that early it should be arriving soon. Do you have a tracking number?

I still need 7 lanterns but they don’t seem to be available on Amazon. “Limit 1 per Cart”. I have my single use codes for the “with batteries” (I need 2) and for the “without batteries” (I need 5) options but I can’t get them in my cart. Hopefully, Sofirn will get me sorted after CNY.

I was told my codes would be good for 30 days and I received them on 12/27 (with batteries) and 12/29 (without batteries)

Last I heard they were out of LT1s, and would get more in February. That doesn’t really jive with being able to put on in your cart, but just thought I would share. Sorry, no more details.

My 17Tracking says the light has been in Chicago since 21 Dec:

Destination - Tracking consuming: 256 ms
2019-12-21 08:10

ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS), Processed Through Facility -> Your item has been processed through our facility in ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS) at 8:10 am on December 21, 2019.
2019-12-13 14:55

Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
2019-12-13 14:55

CHINA, SHENZHEN EMS, Processed Through Facility
2019-12-13 10:02

CHINA, SHENZHEN, Processed Through Facility
2019-12-12 19:06

CHINA, Acceptance

Origin - Tracking consuming: 74 ms
2019-12-21 08:10

芝加哥, 已到达寄达地
2019-12-14 20:54

深圳市, 已交航空公司运输
2019-12-13 14:55

深圳市, 【邮政深圳国际邮件互换局】已出口直封
2019-12-13 08:39

深圳市, 到达【邮政深圳国际邮件互换局】(经转)
2019-12-13 06:27

东莞市, 离开【东莞市邮件处理中心】,下一站【邮政深圳国际邮件互换局】
2019-12-12 21:21

东莞市, 到达【东莞市邮件处理中心】
2019-12-12 21:20

东莞市, 离开【塘厦四村营业部】,下一站【东莞市邮件处理中心】
2019-12-12 19:06

东莞市, 【塘厦四村营业部】已收件,揽投员:熊诵武,电话:18807690870

Thanks for your interest DBSAR.

I’m the same except for Los Angeles facility since December 27. No movements since.

brutal. Sorry for your misery. :frowning:

Can confirm, #135 fits snug, a perfect match.

Mcmaster Carr # 9396K156.

I am in the same boat here, mines been in customs for the full 30 days they can hold it(I think), glad I’m not alone on this one.
Hopefully soon

Ordered mine Jan 1st …… arrived Jan 17th, but I know I just got lucky. Usually takes around a month.

Dang. How do I get one of these please? Been away for a bit. Hope I never missed it

I see a few in stock on Amazon.

I’m Interested in buying one

I went to buy on Amazon other day, I could not find it. I ended up buying on Ali Express, from sofirn store. It may have cost a couple dollars more, but it was in stock

Try direct from Sofirn. https://sofirnlight.com/

Just checked. Black is Out of stock.
A few prototypes of LT1in stock.

Maybe back after Chinese New Year.

I ordered one of the green prototype LT1 lanterns a couple of weeks ago. At that time, the site said there were only 2 of each color left. I did get an active tracking number so I believe my lantern is on its way, but the site still shows 2 of each color left.
Just a warning for anyone on the fence about ordering a prototype color- don’t trust the quantity shown on the site.

for those who are really curious - here are some GIFs from my forthcoming review.

i plan to release it in next 2 days.

Someone posted a shade on thingiverse for the LT1. I modified it a bit because I wanted to print it in a flexible for packability and durability. "https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4124488":https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4124488 !http://imgur.com/gallery/Vbn9d1G!