Coronavirus Just Beginning Outside China!

Your packages to and from China may take a while longer

Good Site for Tracking

The slower your package takes to be delivered from China, the better.

Gives more time for any coronavirus on or in your package to die before it gets to you.

Guess I’m lucky getting near 2 months for mine.


“Avoid all contact with infected individuals…”

What matters is the case fatality rate which is the number of people who die divided by the number who have the infection.

Right now that appears to be running about 2%, although honestly I think we have no idea what the real number is. First off, China is likely not being truthful about those numbers, but even if they are, odds are they really have no idea how many cases there are and how many deaths there are. They also don’t have the kind of medical resources to treat sick patients that a more developed nation would.

Until there is a significant outbreak in a first world country we won’t have a good estimate of the case fatality rate.

Let’s say that the real number is 2%. Let’s say that because this is a novel virus, and America is an immunologically naïeve population 1/5 of Americans contact the disease- 60 million people. That would mean 1.2 million deaths.

We will have to wait and see…

How exactly do you “replicate a virus”? Make a model out of clay and put it in a shrink-ray? :person_facepalming:

I would think also now would be the perfect time to watch the "Walking Dead" series whether you seen it or not. I'm just saying...

It’s like creating a supermodel. First you study very detailled what’s on the market.
Use every instrument available. Define your goal in a brainstorm session with your whole team.
After you come to a consensus, you take a host specimen of what comes closest to the goal.
Again, using the latest instruments, remove what you don’t like and replace with what you like.
Maybe in the future, we skip the host and donor and build straight from available building blocks.

The Australian scientists were able to get the virus to replicate itself in a cell culture using a a sample from a patient. He seemed to be implying it was a completely manufactured virus and that some lab managed to recreate it independently.

AFAIK the technology to truly create or change virii like that is a long way off, they can only inject some new RNA into existing ones (or maybe that was only bacteria/larger cells?)

Don't forget the heavy-handed, secretive, opaque responses that include outright denial and obfuscation, including punishing early whistle blowers such as the late ophthalmologist Li Wenliang of Wuhan, China. Dr. Li, is being hailed for his efforts as among the first to alert the medical profession to the new virus, but was forcibly quieted by the authoritarian Chinese government. Were it not for their incompetent response, the world might not be in at increased risk as it is now. Hard to say in hindsight.

All we can do now is best-practice personal and public hygiene. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.


“1. He was never arrested, but called in and asked to sign an acknowledgment/warning about spreading rumors and sensitive info.
2. This is because he was an eye doctor not a virologist and was saying that the hospital had SARS (which is inaccurate)
3. People are upset in China because they want to think the whole epidemic could have been prevented, but back then nobody knew the pathology, transmission, or contagiousness of the new virus. People would have also been upset w extreme preventative measures that turned out to be a false alarm.
4. In the end the courts ruled in favor of Li and said the police didnt need to bring him in as well”

If his friend hadn’t reposted what he said about “SARS victims” to a public post that went viral and caused panic he wouldn’t have gotten any attention.

Might be a good time to start prepping for a prolonged period of weeks/months. Better safe than sorry once the virus gets to your hometown. A lot people refrain from doing so as they are afraid of being labeled a “Prepper”. Don’t be. When the panic hits you’ll be glad you and your family/loved ones have enough supplies to not have to fly out into the melee and possibly risk being infected. And a much more likely issue, outside of infection, people are just more careless and inconsiderate when they are in a panic. Do your best not to add to it. You can be one less car on the road when people are speeding around and grappling for supplies. Stock up on non-perishable items like canned/dried goods and you’ll have nothing to lose if nothing really terrible happens. You’ll probably end up using it anyway.

A note about fatality rates: The virus has not yet run it’s course in these 60k+ patients. Until they have recovered and are cleared we can’t know if they will die or not. A mature ratio of the dead to recovered is the only real fatality rate. And that will only come in time. Who knows. Maybe it has already infected millions and only a very small percentage with severe symptoms are going in to get tested and confirmed. But if it’s not, then everyone best be prepared. At the very least, it already has almost double the deaths of SARS and apparently a ridiculously long incubation period.

^^ Not a bad idea to start slowly prepping. People, doctors, everyone seems to be having a hard time over in China because it is something they have never had to deal with on such a large scale before. Still seems like everything will be fine over here though overall.

It’s not the end of the world yet, right now it’s a race against time. The coronavirus will get here eventually but the longer we can hold it off the better. Best case scenario is that we develop good treatment before it arrives. The fatality rate depends on a lot of variables and the slower it spreads here the lower the likely fatality rate will be. Worst case scenario is that it spreads too quickly and the medical system is overwhelmed as has happened in China. We have the advantage of knowing it’s coming. They didn’t. And when they did start to notice it, they handled it very poorly. And just because it has a 2 percent fatality rate doesn’t mean you have a 2 percent chance of fatality if you get it. Stay in good health and don’t smoke and your chances are an order of magnitude better (that’s a guess, not scientific)

Having plenty of food on hand is a good idea regardless of what happens.

If you want a good book to read about viruses and how they spread I recommend the book Spillover by David Quammen. I read it a few years ago and should probably read it again. Very good read.

Most importantly make sure you have plenty of flashlights and batteries. Nothing worse than being stuck in a pandemic and not having a fancy flashlight to play with.

Maybe it is just a mother nature handling overpopulation?

Guys you are over-reacting!
It’s really not that bad…