Nichia E17A/E21A Skilhunt H04RC Group Buy

I agree. I wish Zebralight and Skillhunt made 18350 lights or tubes that could be lego’d but I would mostly use 18650 still. The power to mass ratio is just too good

ZL is made from one piece of aluminium apart from the tailcap - that’s one of the selling points. Entire light would have to be cast in 18350 size.

Yes. I know but I would buy an 18350 version of the SC64w HI or H600FC if they made it. They could also make an 18650 “tailcap” or an extension tube

Sorry, was very busy with life. I will update the gsheet tonight. I hope we can proceed the order to Skilhunt on Monday.


UPDATE 200217: China holiday extended to 200224 due to health and safety concern of corona virus outbreaks. GB listing reopened until the factory go back to normal operation.


Understandable, but I wonder if they are just going to keep extending the holiday forever. The virus outbreak isn’t going to be over by next week.

I can’t answer that. Feel free to cancel your order if you are not feeling comfortable with this uncertainty. Bad timing for me too


Nah, I don’t mind waiting.

Well looking on the bright side, maybe we will be able to reach 200 after all if clemence keeps re-opening the group buy :smiley:

Does the H04 use a buck driver like the H03? Sorry if this has already been answered.


What other lights can these modules easily go in?

Kind of want to experience them all without potentially mucking around with the headlamp I’ll use.

Skilhunt M200, but will make sure about it when I get it


Hi Clemence,

i would like to order one H04rc with 4000k white LED and extra 3500k Board. Is it possible to order the other 3 TirLens extra ?!

Thanks, LitN

Edit: okay, paid PP ;-)

Yes sure no problem. The custom lens price is $1 each


How do you think the smooth reflector of the M200 will perform with the e21a quad?

Very likely to have a donut or dark Gap in the center of the beam. You would need to diffuse it with DC fix to get rid of that dark spot.

Hi Clemence

I already sent payment via PP for item 45.


Do you have one on the way already or were you going to order one with this group buy?

I’m going to order some with this GB. The reflector can’t be used with quadtrix. And it’s never been my intention, prepared some TIR for it.
