[New] Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 Ti

You can ofcourse disassemble the LED’s in the switch.

Or physically lock out the light by partially unscrewing the head or tailcap. Works for all tools except the Ti version.

I think it’s great they added the illuminated tailcap!

I would think that removing the LEDs would get rid of the parasitic drain, but I really won’t know until after I go through the trouble of doing it.

Yes, removing either the LEDs, the resistors, or all of them (should be two of each) would remove the drain.

I swapped mine for a custom LED tailcap and am only getting 0.08 mA drain, which on a 900mAh battery translates to 15+ months of standby… much more acceptable.

That does not work well with white aluminum that I rec’d earlier this week. I can go well past exposing the o-ring and still have the tailcap illuminated.

Now that is how to do it! I would totally be onboard with that, but not with what Lumintop did with their implementation.

Yeah, that (and an LED swap) were the done the day it arrived in the mail. Alongside the new tailcap board, I installed a very light green tailcap that lets much more light through so that you can run the LEDs with less power.

Just recharged the battery in the Ti Tool today after noticing the tail lights were either off or so dim that could not see in bright daylight and it was at 3.2 volts after about 1.5 months, it is an Efest.
Opus Charger read 543 Mah when charging complete.

Also mine will lock out with 1/4 turn of the head.

Thanks for the links with the details gchart.

For now I just removed the two surface mount resistors in the tail switch board. No more needless battery drain!

It seems every Tool Ti does that

Yes all Tool AA 2.0 models have lighted tail switches now — or at least that is what the manufacturer told me yesterday.

I got my Tool AA Ti today. It was an impulse buy and I never looked much into this thread or in Chibi’s review, but there are too many dumb features to leave this light unmodded:

  • 10mA parasitic drain is unworkable, drains the battery in 5 days !
  • golden clip is ugly, it gets my black clip from the alu one.
  • memory! :confounded:
  • XP-L2 :confounded:
  • 7400K :confounded:
  • but the worst thing: it is a shelf design with the shelf therefore being titanium, the ledboard is nice copper but the heat goes nowhere after that. I’m not surprised that ledwires unsolder themselves.

So: other driver, better led, aqua switch leds at lower current, I can not fix that shelf but I will craft a new copper board that will reach the very edge to bypass that shelf (the stock board stops short of the edge).

Things to do…

Victor told me earlier they should be releasing an upgraded model with a copper head soon, i don’t have any details. (So i don’t know how heavy it will be Jos)
I really like the light, but indeed, the parasitic drain is too high, the tint of the XPL2 is ugly and it gets HOT
For now, i just twist the head for lockout so it won’t drain my cell and the reflowed high CRI SST20 makes the tint so much better (and throwier)

Interesting to hear about the copper head. While I love my Tool Ti, the all-titanium head was a bonehead move.

I also swapped my LED as soon as it arrived, along with a new tailcap that is brighter, gives my realtime battery status, and only draws like 80uA. I just wish I could do something about that gold clip without stealing one from another Tool.

When will they learn the difference between copper & brass :smiley:

Ya know what they say: brass is the new copper :stuck_out_tongue:

(I may be in for this one, even if it’s brass :smiley: )

I like my Tool AA Ti, and I agree that it needs a better heat transfer path. But that really looks like an afterthought. Perhaps because it is? Copper or not, it looks really out of place.

CRX is on it :smiley: I ordered a Tool Ti a couple weeks ago, see what I can do with it.

Hmm, you might be right about that, way to yellowish, not a sign of red copper.

The Tool is a nice light though, but the heat transfer is below average and the parasitic drain is >5 mA