Whats the most crazyest thing youve seen during the virus epidemic

The infection rate and mortality rates are far higher for C-19. There is a vaccine for seasonal flu. We got our flu shots in December. Getting a flu shot is a good idea, even this late.

If the US government and population do nothing, there could potentially be millions of fatalities.

As things are, the USA is about 17 days behind Italy and the UK is about 15 days behind Italy.

Have a look:


(The number of confirmed cases in the UK is far below the actual number because they are only testing Hospital admissions.)

2017/2018 influenza China >300,000 deaths, C-19 so far less than 8000

Do we really need a pandemic shutdown?
Did in 2017/18 someone did a single thing about the flu?

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

Apart from the panic buying and the low petrol/gasoline price… probably the dominance of the Coronavirus in the news cycle.

Although not crazy, it’s weird to have an unofficial holiday period as if it were Christmas/New year again.

This is not a normal seasonal flu. This is not a normal “bad” flu.

Doing nothing would likely result in millions of deaths.

Epidemic modelling at Imperial College London predicts 510,000 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million deaths in America. This does not include the additional deaths caused by the health care system being overwhelmed.

But that is if we do nothing. The UK is hoping to bring that down to ~ 20,000 with voluntary isolation and shutdowns.

Alex Jones selling “corona virus cure” toothpaste.

It is not a cure. It isn’t even safe to use.



It’s the wrong trousers, Gromit!

You owe me a new keyboard!

Surely this is some kind of setup. I started off thinking of how that dog looked a bit scared of this buzzing thing over its head. I’m also pretty sure that a drone like that wouldn’t run for long enough to actually get that poor dog any real exercise. And where exactly is it going to ‘go’ in that environment with that kind of thing hovering above? Dogs like to wander and check out the smells of their environment!

Guess they figured if they’d drink enough squeeze, they’d be immune.

“Police have nothing to go on.”

Yea the media and governments are using the Corona virus story as a cover up for the financial crisis we are currently in? This will be bigger than the GFC.

As far as I have heard, COVID-19 is the cause of the financial crisis we currently are in, and if things don't get better it may be worse than the GFC.

that is not even the craziest part,

how do you not leave vehicle unattended when you park it on a street

The amount of money the United States wastes on armed forces and the Pentagon compared to their national health budget.

Oh no, the F-35 that can’t fly in rain and has malfunctioning oxygen systems will keep us safe from the pandemic! Money well spent. /s

It is a tough choice between seeing and hearing politicians downplay the seriousness of the virus while then having Dr. Anthony Fauchi give a much more sobering assessment or the several Senators selling massive amounts of stocks after receiving private briefings on the real threat of the virus to our economy.

This morning newspaper reports that 206,000 resort company employees have already been laid off in Las Vegas. That’s just the resorts and does not include the many people displaced by stores and other business closing. That’s out of a total population of 2.7 million for Las Vegas. That works out to be 7.6% of the town but remember it is far higher as a percentage when you take out young and old not working or looking for work.

I though California would have been the first place on earth to ban the corona virus , they’ve banned almost everything else.
Disclaimer,I’ve never been there ,it’s just what I’ve heard over the years ,for instance astronomers can’t buy telescopes with a chipboard mount because it contains chemicals that only harm Californians.