Why Cu?

Copper flashlights are pretty, and prettier when the patina come.
But I keep mine as small as possible, I avoid bigger than 16340 flashlights.

Now I’m jealous :expressionless:

Those are sweet looking lights :heart_eyes:

"Why Cu?"

You shouldn't be able to see me...

That's not how the internet works!

This is the reasons people like me love them. They are luxurious items for collectors, not practical but beautiful.

I’ve seen many people here and r/flashlights that carry 18650-format copper lights as EDC and that’s what’s puzzling to me and many others.

It’s the best material against bacteria and viruses, including the COVID-19

Looks good, to me they seem to get hotter but I think that is because the heat transfers into the light quicker.

Silver coins used to be dropped into drink cups for anti- bacterial reasons.


Because Old Lumens is a god on this forum and he built one from scratch by hand with his genius use of old tools in his garage, and it looked beautiful.

Everybody dreams of being able to build a light like that, but few have the skills.

But everybody can buy one and have the vicarious thrill of the master. just my 2¢

I only like copper for it’s thermal properties.
I tend to use them exclusively in the house, mostly these two hand made fellas.

I don’t really care for varying patina which happens when handling so a solid copper light with a little cf covering works for me. Keeps the light from feeling scalding hot on max while also conducting enough heat to the hand.

Bare Cu.

Now that is just showing off :stuck_out_tongue:

Good one! I CU, you see me? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been eyeing up the Copper S2+ for quite awhile, but I just can’t justify the price or the weight. But it looks so good - must resist, must resist.

I like the hand worn look of shiny highspots, dark spaces between the knurling, of uncoated copper

I like having an alternative to black aluminium, that are so commonplace, even though aluminium is lighter and cheaper. One part of my interest in lights is as pocket jewelry. I imagine showing someone my copper light, and they say wow… that seldom actually happens, but I like the bling factor of copper

I like that copper kills germs, even though that is not relevant to my flashlight. I also have a copper water bottle, copper teacup, and kettle.

I have childhood nostalgia for copper and brass objects, that I inherited from my European father, where such things were traditionally valued, in the past.

the smell is a chemical reaction with oils on our skin, I disliked it until I reprogrammed my reaction to it as the smell of dead germs (not rational, the smell is on my hand, not on the light)

I agree copper lights are heavy, I only use Cu hosts in AAA
In a twisty copper has the benefit of very buttery threads, the exact opposite of titanium.

I sold my 16340 Cu S Mini partly because of the excessive weight in my pocket, though moreso I did not enjoy the LED, and it could not be modified easily.

If anyone needs a good home for a drop.com CuTool, please keep me in mind, I have a good friend in Europe seeking to adopt one. It will be well loved by someone with a traditional appreciation of the Noble Metals.

resistance is futile
you deserve it
Its a cheap thrill, I paid more than that for my Cu Maratac

and as my father once said
first youre going to agonize about doing it, then you will go ahead, and be glad you did
the agonizing part is optional

They all look completely chintzy and tacky to me. Kind of like an extension of the ‘tacticool’ or ‘mall ninja’ aesthetic - just a bit more expensive and heavier. I don’t get the appeal at all, but hey, it’s your disposable income. Do with it what you want.

nuff said!
don’t know iffn it would have turned out that way if left alone.
I instead massaged and rubbed it daily or more often with my grubby hands, unwashed before the current scare, possibly 1000 times.

BTW, any of you know what “Cu” means in Portuguese? :stuck_out_tongue:

Seeing the question “Why Cu?” is somehow funny :smiley:

I looked up what Cu means in Portuguese...

Now I know why my Portuguese girlfriend always says, "Why Cu?"

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yeah, but what a show!!

At first i did not get it too. More expensive, very heavy, reported as heating much faster, prone to oxidation, odd smell, no tail cap lock…

Then i saw the Kronos BLF X5/X6 special edition box:

Since then i bought quite a few ones, but mainly for show. Full Cu body or just the head. I only really use the AAA ones.