YouTube Channels of Interest - while we wait

Colin Furze
Surprised no one said him before me.
A guy with a safety tie making all sorts of weird, wonderful and dangerous stuff.

Searches like ‘Angry bikers vs people’ and ‘Dash Cam UK’ include some of my popular viewings.

Marble Racing;

Crazy courses, guy must have a lot of time on his hands.™ Cartoon Channel


Tom scott - Interesting facts, places, things
Wranglerstar - Dont know how to describe, interesting though
I did a thing- “science” expiriments
Peter Brown - The resin casting guy
3d printing nerd - Goes over 3d printing things
Mark Rober - Experiments that goes by the scientific method
Nile Red - Chemistry
LockPickingLawyer - Lock picking
JerryRigEveryhting - Phone testing
Useless Duck Company - Interesting Product design
Demolition Ranch - Shoots things

Veriatsium - science and stuff , should be on this list too.

Engineering Explained - mostly car related stuff. Some electric, mostly combustion + mechanics pretty simply explained.

Scott Manley - earlier some gaming, nowadays space exploration updates + SpaceX updates

Anton Petrov / What da Math - space & deep space phenomenon and new findings

apetor - Well, this one´s a bit hard to describe. Happy norwegian outdoorsman? No talking, no tecnho/music in background, nature sounds, pretty good quality IMO and very chill (LITERALLY CHILL) -attitude :smiley:

SerpentZA - A guy who moved broke from South Africa to China several years ago. Tells good&bad things straight, makes China much better known if you have not been there.

Hydraulic Press Channel - well, I might aswell add one Finnish channel here. They mostly break things, explode things, also some really rare and nice SloMo stuff here. All in proper “Rally-english”.

Rice Farming TV - From Northern California. Don´t ask. I don´t know either why I like this channel. Good narrator, maybe?

This old Tony and Clickspring are already mentioned above. To add to that

- Joe Pieczeyski very educational metal machining

- Bruns metal projects with a bit of a storyline.

AvE all kinds of good stuff, funny, crude, but educational!
MarlingBaits Makes all kinds of baits out of his garage. Fun to watch
Project Farm all kinds of comparisons and tests for the discerning individual. Actually, his latest was 18650 batteries! He compares everything from tape to engine oil to drywall anchors!
BlacktipH Fishing, mostly Florida. Offshore and some inshore. Knows what he’s doing, usually entertaining.

Demolition Ranch—This guy does some crazy stuff

Protective Mask Tutorials at Joann Fabric for free

My favourite channel. Large variety of calming 4k nature videos.

Strange parts ; Tech related, Enthusiastic dude explores tech markets/factories, & usually has a go at putting something together.

Fully Charged ; Centered around Electric vehicles, power, & sustainability. Hosted by Kryten...

The Skid Factory ; Home-brewed performance car related complete with Aussie humour.

Here’s a good one.
Dr carter knows his stuff.\_P4YUDpf2lA



Really like Andrew Camarata, one of the few channels i watch that get a like even before watching the content of the video.

Some of my favorites also :+1:

Our friend and neighbor sent it to us with the comment “And then Cabin Fever ate away at the brain cells of the house bound….”

Although has been said within this thread, Project Farm just recently uploaded a comparison of the better & worst 18650 cells.

There is much work in designing / testing and compiling the various products. Does his research, gets the proper tools and testers, makes jigs and rigs, and great imagination of tests. Has a knack of finding the important data from the clutter and hearsay of the manufacturers.

With his battery tests, using a dedicated IR tester and not assuming the charger’s values - and he does emphasize the current capability versus the capacity. There is also the costs that are indexed; budget minded myself, this is quite valuable.

And I find his videos very entertaining as informative,

Mustn’t be doing something right - video not working.
Using the simple post editor, copy/paste and added the frame width / height (using the imbed values: 560/315).

I like Alec Steel and Marling baits.

But I LOVE Living Waters/Way of the Master Living Waters - YouTube

And I just remembered Ozzy Man.
If you are offended by blue language.
And by that I mean every swear word I can think of…
Skip this one.
But Funny…

All the Best,