Photos of your new arrived lights

Second EDC 18 w/ carclo 10507 and blue trit mod, plus EVA foam case.

Blue Convoy S2+ host with Noctigon triple XPL-Hi triple, MTN 17Dmm FET+7135 running Crescendo UI, Hoops copper pill, bypassed head and tail springs, spare Lumintop yellow glow gasket that came with EDC-18 above (looks pink when not glowing)

Gold 3D LED Maglite (new from Maglite's store). According to a thread on CPF, Gold Maglite's (D cell) haven't been available since the early nineties - and these may be leftovers from a special order. Single level 168 lumens.

Wainlight H16 (Convoy L6 Clone) Sand brown - Modded with Lexel driver running Anduril, Bypassed springs, illuminated blue side switch (Blue LED), glow blue backswitch (no LED), Golisi S43 unprotected cells. Currently running 6800+lm measured with TA Lumen tube on start up with all the functionality of Anduril and programmable brightness on side switch. Finally get Moonlight and smooth ramping on this baby! Rest is nice to have. Main difference with this and Convoy is this AR coating if any is not as visible as the Convoy and the side and rear switch are already clear (not solid black like Convoy). This light also comes with Lanyard which the L6 does not have. Does come with tactial handle piece to prevent rolling etc… Used factory LED wiring, may switch to 18ga for hopefully over 7000lm at startup.

E07 :+1:

TPF AAA Light by Maratac

Newly arrived new EDC18 short tube and single dome sapphire glass, SD1 (stock) and built S2+ triple XPL-HI Noctigon, with dd17m FET+1 driver, blue turbo glow, sapphire glass.

Another angle for theshort tube compared with full size EDC18

What light is this? Looks really nice with the trits.

Get ready to get a 2nd on the house and sell the kids. :smiley:

Too late - already done. LOL

Seriously though. Nice light.

Another AAA hotrod from Vinh.

Unbranded LEP from Neal.

Sofirn SP10S in red

And, I am expecting my Lumintop FW3A SST20 4000K in blue to arrive next week. Excited!

Sinner Customs 18350RM.

Thanks, been waiting for a while for one to become available. Not often that they do.

Already had the SC31B.

LOL Can’t beat free. T-Mobile Tuesday 2x2032 = 6V single LED with projected lens and pull\extend for mini lantern function.

Impulse bought when the price dropped to US$30. Hadn’t checked the official Convoy store in a while and wasn’t aware a version with ramping was released. Too late now so will enjoy it with the modes it’s got. Went for 3000k.

I am posting a link to current pic of my A list collection, here. Because I can't attach photos here, and because I can't find the "Post your collection pic" topic, even though I searched, apparently erroneously. And because This forum allows links to the other forum.

I forgot to place the D4V2 vn quad W2 in the picture, I left it hanging off the edge of my pocket, where it usually lives its happy life.

Well, anyway, here goes:

A little help on that :wink:
The BIG flashlight collection thread - List your flashlight collection here!