What do you think, about your signatures?

Well, I guess I'll have to change mine to a image. :Р

Edit: done

Sweet! You can't tell if it was text or image, until you hovered over it!

png format is even better when you use text.

cool cool cool (Abed in Community haha).

i like my own sig a lot. reminds me of my pending orders so that i wouldnt forget ;)

Yeah, jacked-up search results due to flashlight listings inside signatures has been bugging me too. I'll have to change mine so I don't contribute to the problem.

As an alternative solution, is it possible for BLF's forum software to be set to IGNORE signature content during searches?

Part of the problem is probably that the forum search is done by google and not by the forum software.

You can use the forum search instead of the google search. Just click on the first search without any input and you will see another search to your right. Use that one as it will ignore signatures.

There is a drawback to that though, The forum search uses up forum bandwidth but the Google search does not. I suspect that is why the Google search is the default option here.

I am no expert, but I have heard that forum searching with your own forum software is very expensive compared to the Google search which is basically free except for some small ads on the page and whatever data mining Google gets out of it.


Gonna be hard to prevent future members from doing this though.

+1 Its hard for me too. Thanks for putting up possible solutions to this problem

removed mine

I still recommend using a separate post for your collection, and hyperlink to the post outlining your collection. That way you can include pictures, and comments, not just a list.

This was recommended above too.

Let me combine 2 ideas (if feasible)... it is nice to see the collection as a signature, as long as it is not text for the reason discussed. So how about making the signature jpeg/png like Shadowww did, and additionally link the image with a hyperlink that when clicked can take you to a post with the user collection that might also have comments, photos etc... is this possible?

That is how mine is


I agree is does mess up a search. Now if we can get everyone to implement this simple solution to the problem.

I think it's doable. Let's start mentioning about the issue and linking to this thread when replying to persons having those lists in their signatures.

Note: Don't spam if you don't have anything else to say! Just write your "normal" reply and then "Ps. Listing your lights in signature makes searching harder. Would you please change it? See this thread for instructions."


+1 great idea on the picture of text rather than text itself