CandlePowerFora LLC

I guess most took Kreisler’s post as some kind of ironic funny post on a BUDGET forum where most find ironic and funny paying just for their right to buy stuff… (i might be wrong, of course). I wouldn’t call it “obsessive”, no more than joining a so illustrious privileged shopping club. The only sad thing about the OP is the sad humiliated bird eyes. Shame on the photographer.
Until shown wrong, i prefer an open non-affiliated forum, with much less bias for sure.

@Kreisler: approximate lumens and runtime for that bird?


the shopping cart was new to me (and how would i know about the existence of the cited thread if i am permabanned on your forum??) and i was shocked so i thought of sharing my new discovery. nadamás.

Flaco, you got me right :) That bird?? here you go:

Oh, man… it took me almost 2 minutes to get it… (i have an excuse, i just came from German class and i’m braindead) …maybe i should be in another forum…. ;p

One of them called me a “Lacrosse cult family member” lol. BTW, I don”t even own a Lacrosse. I am still curious why those that
don”t like these threads keep BARGING in? I think I know (but its a secret hehe).


WOW! Just when I thought CPF could not suck more, they made their marketplace member’s only!! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!

Really? You have to be a member to visit the marketplace?

You can always count on certain sites to take advantage of or scam you at every turn. Fool me once……………………………………………….

Really? I just went and checked without being logged in and I had no problems browsing the forums.

It is just so pathetic really how some here get such a hard-on from posting misinformation.

I don’t want to be ‘that guy’ but if you like CPF so much, why are you here?
Most people here don’t like CPF because of the way they treat members and run their site. That is why we are here rather than there. It’s like when you first moved out of your parents house, it was not that bad until you got a taste of what it was like to be free to do whatever you wanted. Normal people could never go back and that is how CPF seems to me. I only go back to stir the pot once in a while and push my luck to see how long it takes to get banned.

Well said Speedsix but I say sg is trying to stir this pot. I say IGNORE him and he/she shall go POOF.


Hey Sheldon, you are very welcome here, don’t take anyone wrong.
But right or wrong, we do enjoy CPF bashing cuz they deserve it. We are mostly refugees here, having come that forum.

So don’t take it personally, but defending CPF in these parts is like a defending a BMW owner who won’t tolerate any car except the Ultimate Driving Machine. It’s going to piss off a lot of Ford owners before the 2nd sentence is out of your mouth.

CPFMP Illustrious- 90 days


Thank you Troop. You made me realize I was somewhat rude and for that I apologize. I still say folks that don”t like the tenor of these threads should “stay out”. IT IS THAT SIMPLE


Well. It’s probably the last straw for me and likely to be banned soon (when the “scanners”) get to this post.

Had most of my threads deleted since I’ve given them money at CPFM (just one month luckily). I’m now branded a dealer and “No dealers, nor manufactures are permitted to start any type of product thread on CPF proper…”

OP, you can back me on this one :slight_smile: None of my threads have any advertising or any semblence of BUY ME anywhere (not posted by me if there are any). Most were advanced product announcements/rumors, which just about everyone appreciated. I sanitized all my posts there (unlike at BLF :slight_smile: )

A couple months back I tried to GIVE things away (new to market lights), no strings, I even stripped out any branding or mention beyond my name. It was not “approved”.

Folks often post links to OTHER forums about “new/unannounced” products coming out. I thought I could bring some of that firsthand to CPF rather than relying on 3rd party sources — but sadly I’m wrong.

That just means more for you folks though. We’ve given away two limited edition lights here in a very short time and more to come!

EDIT: The primary reason I liked CPF was the tapatalk integration. It made commenting on the fly so quick and easy. If BLF had some sort of app support I wouldn’t even think of the above…

We are happy to have you here, Ualnosaj! And your contests! You are a good example of how having dealers on a board can be a benefit and not a problem.

Hi dear friend! Yah, had sent you a PM about the deletion of your threads, i was actually missing a Sunwayman Ti+ thread the other day. Your posts and threads were definitely clean and free of any advertising. I think that CPF admin/mods have it in for you .. maybe because you arewere new and started a bunch of new threads as dealer and this got them annoyed or something. I do notice that other dealers start products threads too (LJ, ..) and are not treated by them as badly as you. So maybe dealers are to play a role on CPF proper as inconspicuous as possible; i would say that iG (Tod) and LJ (Jeff) kinda keep a low profile, good for them, stayed under the radar! Since for example the SWM Ti+ thread existed for a long long time with hundreds of replies, there is some possibility that a competing seller submitted a complaint against HIDC most recently. I dont know anything, though. It's just me guessing. And yes, this really sucks.

The dealer policy in question only encourages shilling.