I want to share with everyone about my eye site

Hi Paul

I am very sorry to hear that your condition has took a turn for the worse. You have been blessed with a beautiful daughter and wife and I hope they can help you get through this tough time and you can always come visit your friends here on BLF. As always if there is anything we can do to help you please don’t be shy and don’t try to do this alone we are here for you and so is your family. I am sending healing vibes and saying prayers for you.

Best Wishes
Your friend

What is encouraging is your attitude! Hopefully a miracle, whether it be in the form medical advancements or your sight simply returns, is coming soon. Keep the faith!

This also encourages me and gives me perspective in dealing with my back problem. I’ve been a little depressed because I’m only 29 but I’m dealing with multiple degenerative, bulging discs that has forced me to shift careers and has limited my activities. I barely get any sleep on a nightly basis and it’s always on my mind. However, I can’t imagine not having my sight. I really do hope things turn in the right direction for you and quickly! Hang in there :slight_smile:

+1 To all of this. If there is anything we can do to help you just say so.

I’m very sorry to hear this. My best friend in middle school and high school recently had some major vision issues and it sounds very much like what you are experiencing right now. We don’t know if he’ll recover or if he’ll be legally blind for the rest of his life. We can only pray for your and his recovery from this as we are so dependent on our ability to see clearly. It’s something that most of us take for granted.

I do have a supportive wifey and daughter. My 3 year old daughter (tear) will say things like “I will help you daddy, give me your hand”. She is leading me around, to the car, around Walmart, etc. She helped me help her make a PB&J sammich. She got the items for me and helped me through it. My daughter will ask me to take off my dark glasses and ask me to see my eyes, she will touch them and tell me it will all be ok. What can I say to that? It is so sweet.

What a great family you have! Your daughter sounds like a little cutie.

At least you’ve proved it doesn’t take good eye sight to raise a good family :slight_smile:

We shall all Hope and Pray for you and your family.
May G-D grant you peace and help you in all your
health problems and may all you wish for come your way.
0:) 0:) 0:)

I was worried that you hadn’t posted in around a month, and now the reason is apparent.

Please know that we are thinking about you - and praying for your well-being.

Paul,I can't tell you how important your great attitude is in your situation,it will help you overcome your problem easier.I had a relative that had eye surgery and was forced to look at the floor and unable to move for almost a month,or they would have lost vision permanently,so I know it must be difficult.My family and I send you prayers and well wishes and you sound like a fighter,so don't lose that virtue,it will help you.DARC

Having undergone retinal surgery myself twice before, I can only think of how much better the visually disabled would be if mankind would have used half of the money spent on nuclear warheads on medical research instead. I bet there wouldn’t be any blind or paraplegics, today.

A lot of people need our prayers, and you surely are amongst them. Don’t give up hope!

I wish you the best Paul. I hope you get your vision back and all is well.


Kids are amazing how they adapt to different situations. Your daughter will grow up knowing you as her father and to her it would not matter whether you had a disability or not, she would love you the same. If I may put a positive spin on your blindness I would suggest that your daughter will grow to be a far better person in life and your positive outlook on wanting to get on in life will help others. You all sound like a family of champions. Thanks for sharing your story and may we all be better people for it. Cheers.


I'm glad you feel you can share something like that with us. Means a lot. I'm at a loss for the right words so I'll just remind that you have a great family there for support. Some of us here would like to think we're part of an on-line family you can come to, also.


I was very moved by your little girl helping daddy. letting you know others are thinking about you & your situation.


Paul, there is nothing I can say that that hasn’t already been said by our friends other than I too will be praying for you and your family.

I am at a loss for words Paul. Your condition taking a turn for the worse makes me feel sad although I never met you. It is perhaps your great attitude and apparent resilience that makes me feel a personal loss.
Your little daughter - god bless her. Those few sentences makes my eyes water. She surely sounds like a little fighter. I guess she is like you in many ways.

I shall pray to my gods for your recovery tonight. So keep fighting and keep pushing the envelope wider. You will make the best of this together with your family and the professionals that will help you.

You have the right attitude, a supportive wife and a wonderful little girl! As devestating as it must be I know you will get through it and make the best of things. Stay strong, not only for yourself but as an example for that wonderful little girl of yours. You are in my thoughts and as Erik said, healing vibes are being sent your way.

Never give up hope, Paul. Eye research is always going on.There are new medical treatments and discoveries all the time. You never know what lies just around the corner.

Sorry to hear that Paul. I hope your eyesight improves soon.

Hi Paul, I’m Simon and I just want to let you know that you have many people here at BLF supporting you through your journey.

Please recover soon! We’ll be waiting for you! :smiley: