Ultrafire RL-198 XP-G R5 3mode

Temp issue, works now

Ultrafire RL-198/\

Ultrafire 501B XR-E R2 /\

Ultrafire C1 XP-G R5

This is what I get today, funny...

IE Seems to work ok , + Chrome works fine ... What browser are you using ?

Try Jayki.com for this review , or maybe a different browser .

IE and Firefox the same, in another imageshack pic from a DX's thread got the same, maybe is like tinypic some months ago which block some areas... I can enter the site using it normally

I'm not alone, check it


Have you tried cleaning your cookies and temp files?

BTW, can't see any spill :O Comparing to R2 and R5 :|

it's fixed now

Look at the wall , and the shadows on the ground ..

Check out and compare hotspots ..

The RL-198 really pushes the light forward with a narrower than normal beam profile ..

If you compare the XR-E and XP-G R5 C1 , you will see the XR-E has a more intense and concentrated hotspot while the C1 lights things up more evenly ..

So those that like to push light forward , should like the RL-198 .. + The C1 is about 350ish on the Lumens and pulls over 2A with a fresh cell .

The 501 pulls over 1.5A with a fresh cell , and does about 270L + depending on the battery used .

old4570, where did you get the Ultrafire C1 XP-G R5?

Mine came from KD , initially there were problems that needed sorting out ...

Review on Jayki , but once sorted , it has been a very reliable light , I reach for it often ..

Only thing I dont care for is the high current on high , over 2A with a decent battery .

Ive been using the RL-198 , and I like it very much , the C1 does not have mode memory , always starts on high , which is good some times , but may annoy the neighbors .

So sometimes , a light starting on Low is more sensitive ...

We'll have to take your word for it.

All but one of the images are overexposed and there is no exif info attached. I find them difficult to compare.

Nice shed though.


Thanks old4570 - did a search - no luck. I found it on DinoDirect but from what I've read, I'll pass on them.

Manual exposition or automatic white ballance?

Even so, interesting result. So RL-198 will throw better than C1, right? (both with R5)

Olympus C-370 3.2meg a pixel All auto point and shoot digital .

No SLR here [ except my old 35mm = retired ]

One day I may get a Digital SLR

For just beamshots a DSLR is overkill. Any point and shoot with full manual override will do the job admirably. Barring that, at least one with spot metering.

My personal bias has been towards Canon's line of P&S's, simply because there is an extremely useful add-on for them called CHDK. It unlocks many capabilities that the factory has hidden from the user. Most useful for me has been the 'live histogram' and the 'zebra mode'. The zebra mode highlights the areas where you are over/under exposed. But of course you still need the manual controls in the first place to take full advantage.

Cheers, Angus

A question for you old.

does the p60 module fit in that reflector?. i was thinking MF 3mode xml. Thanks!

There is a comparison photo ..

Yes a normal P60 will fit , but you would need to stretch out the negative or outside spring to hold it in place as it is shorter than the RL-198 pill ..

I put one in there and it was a some what lose fit [ p60 ] but the battery [ once installed ] held it in place and it worked fine .

You can buy XML version for $29.20

Ok thx i guess they just added it at MF. Ultrafire RL-168