What you got today


What I got today was a threat to get a warrant to investigate whether I have a TV set or not - I do not and have not for the last 20 years. But that doesn't stop Capita trying to pretend they are an arm of the Government - which they are not - and attempt to bully people into paying for a TV Licence - currently around $256.

I'd dearly love them to turn up with a warrant. I'll have a judge (AKA my father) waiting to check its validity. Capita don't seem to realise that the laws in England and Scotland are different. Then we can have the charges of breach of the peace, impersonation of a law officer and harrassment. I'd enjoy that.


At least DX have shipped my strange light. Only took them about 3 weeks. Wonder how long it'll take China Post to deliver it? At least it has appeared in the tracking system within 18 hours of DX saying it was shipped which is a lot better than HK Post usually manage.

nice idea for a thread..

was a good day for me..got my manafont order in.. uf-980l , ultrafire 504b and 2 18650 cells..also got 2 2800mah drivers from kd..not flashlight related but also got a new bench press..it's like christmas for me!

Happy b-day, mizjif :D That Fenix is an awesome present :p

I'm still waiting my Xeno :| Perhaps this Monday.

Happy birthday from the west coast mizjif!

I received my 604 and 605 from EDC Depot yesterday. And today I got a parcel notification so I'm hoping it is the two L2Ps I ordered from Solarforce-sales some weeks ago!

Waiting patiently on that uf980 report!!



What I got today was a threat to get a warrant to investigate whether I have a TV set or not - I do not and have not for the last 20 years. But that doesn't stop Capita trying to pretend they are an arm of the Government - which they are not - and attempt to bully people into paying for a TV Licence - currently around $256.

I'd dearly love them to turn up with a warrant. I'll have a judge (AKA my father) waiting to check its validity. Capita don't seem to realise that the laws in England and Scotland are different. Then we can have the charges of breach of the peace, impersonation of a law officer and harrassment. I'd enjoy that.



I would love i could not have to pay the TV licence which is a steal here at about 150€ or more a year. I rarely watch tv, but when i do it's mostly one of the discoveries, national geographic or DaVinci Learning. Our national TV is so unwatchable that i find it a crime, a capital offense punishable by heavy beating and prison time (with soap involved) just for the indecency to have us pay for that very mildly and politely decribed excrement of programme. Oh god (even being an atheist") i wish i could drown them all in a spoon full of water!



A ton of stuff coming but nothing arrived yet. Many things worthy of a review, a DIY article. :/


You guys have to pay for a license just to own/watch tv? That's fugin' insane some of the bullpucky you guys in other countries have to deal with.

Man--I really do feel for you guys. That's just unfugin' believable.

I'ts manadatory to pay it if you pay electricity bills. If for unknown reasons you don't own a tv and radio device capable of picking FM signals you must go through a ton of paperwork and a inspector visit to be able to not pay the radio/tv tax. A ton of hassles really,

Owning just a Mp3 player with radio FM capabilities (or a alarm clock with radio) makes you "certified" for that robbery. In Scotland it seems the cost id substantially higher than in Slovenia. But still alot cheaper if you consider the wages/cost of living ratio.

Enough of that...

... postman came a hour ago and went away without handing me not even a single package considering i have a few on the way that could already be here.

Budgeteer, we have a better system here... They bill us for national TV inside electricity supply bills...

So, anyone who says "I don't watch TV", including me, have to pay it no matter what, or they will cut our electricity supply... I am proposing to shoot us instead...

Same here, but you have the possibility to actually not pay the TV/radio "addon" technically. In practice is very complicated. Owning a car with built in radio makes you also "certified"... Who drives a car without an fm radio built in? Basicly, 99,9999999999999999999999% of the population pays it. Would not mind much it the program was remotely watchable... can't even be used as background noise when soldering drivers, emtter stars or other DIY tasks.

It's actually an interesting system, in my opinion. As I understand it, there are several state-operated and/or state-owned TV and radio stations and they use the money they get from TV licenses (which is basically just another tax) as a major source of funding. In return, Europeans get ad-free TV shows (some of which are exceptionally good, especially the BBC productions), free broadcast access to major sport events and a lot of PSA-style, but surprisingly well-made documentaries.

So, I guess, in a way, John and Jane Doe British taxpayer are paying for BBC America, Top Gear and a lot of other stuff the rest of the world gets to enjoy for free.

But then again, even after having spent over a decade of my life in Europe, I never fail to be amazed by the amount of taxes Europeans pay - they get taxed on every-effing thing (often multiple times, by the State and then again by the federal government). If you think about it, it makes sense because somebody has to pay for all those entitlement programs (I don't mean to start a debate on healthcare; just saying) but I still find it amazing that people will put up with $9/gallon gas (most of which is taxes).

"In return, Europeans get ad-free TV shows (some of which are exceptionally good, especially the BBC productions), free broadcast access to major sport tournaments and a lot of PSA-style, surprisingly well-made documentaries."

Maybe in UK terrirtory, we get loads of commercials, a ton of Swedish (unsure if really Swedish but surely nordic) heartbreaking struggling dramas (the lady with leukemia, the boy with cancer, the blind girl, the uncle with aids, the neighbour without legs which are soooooo depressive you better not watch em. A few well made documentary's already seen years ago on BBC. Live talk shows which are beyond pathetic and some sport but if you are really into that you are left with a bitter taste.

Gas is 1,3€/Litre around 6-7usd for 1 us gallon at current excange rates favoring € vs $ in my country. And yes about 66% of all my income is eaten subtly in various taxes included the fancy disguised ones that are nothing more than taxes but in a nice unrecognizeable package. The heating bill i have to pay is 101€/month all year for heating 76 square meters. Yep, we pay alot more than we really should have to.

I apologize for hijacking the thread a bit.

Wow, that's insane. Here, we need licenses to be able to drive a car or to own firearms but not for tv's or fm radios and the like. The US has a lot of problems but I guess it's not that bad. Earlier today, I was complaining to myself about the price of gas going up again to $4.15/gallon (yesterday was $4.09, day before $4.05) and after reading your posts--I won't be complaining about anything anymore....well maybe just certain things. Plus you guys have to pay all this extra money on taxes for stuff you buy out of your country......just fugin' insane.

The past few days have been very good to me for deliveries from the ol' canadapost/usps :)

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Fenix TK35, Solarforce L2x with stainless bezel and lanyard attachment (love how it stops it from rolling) and Hugsby P31.

The L2x quality blows my mind and I love this light. It has the manafont 3 mode xm-l in it so its definitely a wicked light. I figured it was an aggressive design to begin with so I went and added the stainless bezel and the lanyard attachment. I normally like the clean styling but this light I REALLY like, maybe just because its so different from my others.

The TK35, well. Its a Fenix. My Fenix virginity is gone, and all I can say is wow. Quality product, bright and nice to use. I love how small it is but utilizes the 2x18650 so I can get some good run times out of the xm-l.

I was sold on the Hugsby after reading reviews. Sure enough its bright, small and very nice quality. I bought it to toss a xm-l into. Can anyone tell me how to get the pill out safely?

I also had 2 of the 2800ma drivers arrive with the Hugsby. Now to upgrade my poorly driven P7 drop-in and find another light that needs an xm-l with 2.8a.

Most of my lights are turning into xm-ls now. It is definitely my favorite LED :D hehe.

Mizjif. That’s what I call a sweet couple of days! I really want to try that skyline ll but I keep putting it off. Let us know your impressions when you have a chance.

I got a nice surprise today. A totally unexpected light arrived...

And enough fuel batteries to keep it going for a very long time.

Please do tell :D



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