AliExpress/Alibaba, 3 of 3 orders all suck.

I think the days of “sending gifts” are gone: a bunch of sellers I’ve seen on ebay recently say in their ads they won’t do this anymore.

I have also given up Aliexpress,

My first order come with wrong item, but similar shaped, mp3 player speaker.
Got refund about half of the price, and gifted the speaker to my sister.

Second order was a solar charger. it was stated 11000mah, but inside there is 4x2200mah battery.
Solar charging was not working, and it melted on the sun when trying to charge it.

If you can find same product on ebay, don’t try Aliexpress.

And what pisses me off is when I do a search for something on Google and all that comes up is Aliexpress. I have to do a -aliexpress -alibaba to keep sane.


just buy 1 item at time, your vulnerable to being scammed when u spend lots of money.

Howly mowly, that mouse looks 10 times worse than my 8 years old wireless Logitec I had to retire a few years ago :open_mouth: B*tches :angry:
On the other hand, who pays 25 bucks for a wired optical (not laser) mouse? :bigsmile: You have plenty of them at Amazon, for example.!493964%2Cn%3A541966%2Cn%3A172456%2Cn%3A172493%2Cn%3A11036491%2Ck%3Amicrosoft+mouse%2Cp_4%3AMicrosoft%2Cp_n_condition-type%3A2224371011%2Cp_36%3A1253503011%2Cp_n_feature_keywords_browse-bin%3A3354537011&bbn=11036491&sort=price&keywords=microsoft+mouse&ie=UTF8&qid=1355464971&rnid=3354530011

Sorry for late reply Scaru.

Been using for awhile back, I also forgotten which seller I bought from :~

I bought a ZhaoXin 兆信 DC Power Supply PS-202D (0-20V, 2A)

Mainly for test those small 5mm leds & 4 pins Superflux led project.

Thanks to all - I had my doubts about the site. Better to eat the $20 difference and get it off Amazon.

How about a DIY power supply? I'm in the process of making one. If the results are acceptable, would you like to hear more?

Sure, why not start up a new thread?

Would the Charger forum be the right place? If not there, where?

Either there or here.

I ordered a hoodie and a winter coat through aliexpress and using the measurements they gave on a garment of mine apparently I wear a 4X. Well, the measurements were bogus and apparently in china an individual wearing a 4X is three feet tall and weighs 100 pounds. Chinese products SUCK. Doubt I’ll ever see my money again OR the other order. And of course there is no way to actually CONTACT aliexpress to cancel the order you have to go through some hokey dispute process. BTW Chinese land mail is so slow it’s like they throw it in the street and expect it to deliver itself.

Do people even have problems with gold suppliers? eg Gold Supplier 4th year - is that a good indication you wont be robbed?

I don’t ever use a debit card for ANYTHING except withdrawing cash from MY bank’s ATM.

So have any of you folks lost money when paying with a credit card?

The trouble with a lot of Chinese vendors is that they think they’re more clever than you are, but if you file a dispute with your cc company, it takes AliExpress’s dispute process out of the loop…AliExpress has no authority to decide who wins. I file a claim on both just to be covered either way.

My cc company ATT Master Card has a very favorable buyer oriented online dispute process and with my last issue recently, I received a permanent credit after only 2 days…done deal!

It wasn’t the vendor’s problem, USPS lost the package. And you do have to be careful to file the dispute within the time limits…I think my cc is 45 days, but I’d file the dispute within 30 days just to be on the safe side.

Anyway, a CC seems pretty bullet proof, I’ve never lost money using one…cc companies can vary with their policies, but they are regulated by federal consumer protection laws.

+1, to buy online, always use a credit card, especially on random sites and on ebay, even with paypal (that last one is hard to remember I know, I forget sometimes with paypal). It adds the best layer of protection for disputes and fraud on online purchases, IF you take care of it within 30 or 45 or 60 days (whatever your credit card’s rules state).

Hi guys, sorry to bump this old thread.

Due to restrictions in stores, i found PF cells on Aliexpress.

But, one thing is looking bad, its says 15-60 days delivery time….thats too much.

Also i got option to pick Singpost, Chinapost, or Swedenpost, what should i chose, are they really that slow with shipping? anyone got some info? thanks.

Those 3 postal services you mentioned have normally slow shipping times when compared to the big ones like DHL, Fedex and UPS. Sweden post is abnormally slow now as I just received my Gearbest BT-C3100 chargers today after 32 days! Normally it only takes 14 days, even their tracking information database is ‘off course’.

Express postal services, have huge tax/customs here, if you order something which cost like 30$ you will pay additional 30$, its unreal, and the cost of the shipping it self you are spending get to like 4x from the original product price :frowning:

It’s actually very realistic…
I get my orders from China in 15 to 60 days, usually some 25 days, but it can sometimes take 1½ months too…
It doesn’t look attractive though… I agree…

I have ordered upwards of 4000 ws2811 rgb pixels, probably from at least 10 different sellers, HID headlights, power supplies, etc and never once had a problem. Likewise, I had 2 orders can’d by aliexpress due to fraud they had recognized prior to completion of the transaction and had refunds within 24 hours. If you are using a credit card, specifically MC, you should not have to worry as you have multiple outlets for recompense in the unlikely event of a problem.