DQG 18650 EDC--World's Smallest 18650 Flashlight

Ric can you also post a picture of both colors side by side?

Does the driver have boost function?

+1 :slight_smile:

+2 :slight_smile:

Just pulled the trigger on one in the Titanium color with neutral tint. By the time it shows up I’ll have forgotten ordering it and be super surprised.

I got an email from Ric earlier today, confirming my order (black, NW).

Hope I get one soon too. Where will they be shipping out of?
Got bit by the flashlight bug a few months ago and it has recently been running rampant, this will be my third light purchase this year.

Hi PewPew, I see you’re new; welcome to BLF!
Ric said they should be in Early April, so shipping from Hong Kong they should arrive by the last week of April, no later than the first week of May. Assuming they get shipped at that time.

3rd this YEAR? Wish I had that kind of control…

There have been many many more that I almost got, only problem is the wife. I’d eat can soup and watch my batteries charge for moar lights to play with!
Maybe I’ll go make an intro post to kill time for this month I need to wait :frowning: I was joking about forgetting. lol

Really! More like this week, or, today :)!



New Pics

All parts are ready. Waiting for the arrival of DQG Driver in 4-5 days.


Nice, I like the black one better and that is what I ordered .

The grey one in this picture actually looks sand-colour, unlike in the original pictures. Is the colour really different or is it just the picture?

It’s a bit different with the original sample. Looks more beautiful outdoor. :slight_smile:


Wow, there are even more pics at the sales site now : http://www.fancyflashlights.com/goods.php?id=632

Phew…glad I ordered the black version…that ‘titanium’ color has a little too much gold in it.

Me too, I like the black. The titanium is more titanium oxide colour, like a tiny SRK almost. I’m happy that I ordered black. Others will be happy they ordered titanium.

I ordered titanium and don’t mind the color, there are too many black lights in my stash so this will help break up the collection a bit.

I am just worried about the annodizing being off between the head and body.

Titanium with NW
Black with CW


Darn! I just did the same thing. Couldn’t make up my mind after seeing the side-by-side pic :(…
