Lambda lights key lights

Yeah but these stay on for ‘years’. Some of mine were built in 12/11 and are still running the original batteries. When I get up in the morning i can find my keys without even looking for them because they are glowing green. My GF has a green and pink on her keys. I used to think tritium was the way to go, and there are some instances were it’s definitely the way to go like watch vials and gun sights. But in this case it’s way brighter and replaceable and still lasts for years. It’s hard to convince nonflashoholics how cool something is like this, but when people are like, “your light is on.” Then you are like “It’s ok it stays on for years.”
BTW I do mean to get to Home Depot to get a couple of the new Cree bulbs. I think they are 12.49.

no, but i plan on buying some nanos when they come out

Wow, those are pretty sweet

Just a heads up, Lambda says the nano ones should be ready next week :slight_smile: Still been super quiet over there and the administrator has been quiet for several weeks. I know they just renewed the domain then nothing.
I might pick up one of these to check it out. The ones I’ve been using on almost all my keys have been great. I try to keep my keys in the same spot when I get up for work, but they are so much easier to find when they are lit up.

Any idea when this build may start? The turbo 3 was in November, but I don’t see anything on the turbo X. Just wondering

Yup i have one, just replaced the batteries in mine.

the batteries that came with it will still working fine but after putting a new set in it was about double the brightness… :slight_smile:

Not heard anything yet about another build. I received one from the Nov build with the top bin SBT90. I see the price on that LED has come down, like they all do. It was 79.99, DigiKey . This is still the most impressive LED light I’ve used. JMPaul measured his VPT3 @ 364K Lux, I believe. 1,538 Lumens at the rated 9A, only thing though these are driven at 13-16Amps, so I think emitter lumens should be more than 2000! I’ve manage to pull together quite a few of the Lambda lights. I believe right now I have 16 Lambda lights; Five of them are VPTs ( 1 SBT90, 1 Dedomed SST90, 1 SST90, 1 XM-L, and 1 XP-G2) and 3 of them are Hydra multiXML (2 3XM-Ls and one 4 XM-L), 12 of them have the VaraControllers and the 4XML Hydra has the VaraLevel. The others are single mode c and D low voltage/high current XM-L mods.

Really good stuff and that’s why I get it and every iteration has been considerably better than the last. For instance, this,(L) is a copper bonded DeDomed SST90 regular Varapower V the (R)VPT3 SBT90mb. The Light on the left still has an OTF lumen of around 1700 and will be impressive to lots of people. I doubt the Olight SR95UT was using this flux bin (MB) since it is considerably more expensive.

But I don’t know any lights that come close to the LUX at even 1/2 the output.

the price on the nanos is $15 each and 12.50 if you are a FNF member (source - lambdas post)

the only thing that would get me to sell my VPT3 sbt90 mb would be a VPTX XPG2 @4amps with aspheric option

my VPT3 puts out about 75% the lux as my TN31MB with a hotspot nearly twice as big, and the aspheric setup is nice also - makes quite a nice LARGE square beam :slight_smile:

This isn’t updated, since I’ve acquired some more

Here was my VPT XP-G2 with the DEFT aspheric lens

How long does a standard fauxton led light up until its totally empty?
I have one of my old ones with blind led switched on after seeing this threa(50 hours ago) and it still is burning…

good heavens!

Appropriate, because that is a small Church, lol.

thanks for the post… i’m goin grab the nano when available.

quite a collection of lamda lights you got there lawallac!
prolly gonna order 2-3 of them nanos, but what sucks is, i couldnt register to become a member at fnf and that was 2 years ago.
i could have gotten these nanos with that discount haha

FWIW I made the Flashlight News logo… on cpf i went by nemul, lumen backwards. if you look (zoom) on the head of the flashlight in the logo you will see “nemul”

Looks like some nanos are available… here

cool - i grabbed a few

Ive got a green, and red nano on the way for someone at work…
someone who said, ‘hey your keys are on’…and they loved the concept that it stays on 24-7 for a year+ !

I want the original in green but they are out of stock.

I hope he will make some more.

The nano key lights are available again for 15 shipped. I ordered 2 more. I guess this will be the last run of them. Here is the link thread and the direct link to lambda lights site