Lambda lights key lights

no, but i plan on buying some nanos when they come out

Wow, those are pretty sweet

Just a heads up, Lambda says the nano ones should be ready next week :slight_smile: Still been super quiet over there and the administrator has been quiet for several weeks. I know they just renewed the domain then nothing.
I might pick up one of these to check it out. The ones I’ve been using on almost all my keys have been great. I try to keep my keys in the same spot when I get up for work, but they are so much easier to find when they are lit up.

Any idea when this build may start? The turbo 3 was in November, but I don’t see anything on the turbo X. Just wondering

Yup i have one, just replaced the batteries in mine.

the batteries that came with it will still working fine but after putting a new set in it was about double the brightness… :slight_smile:

Not heard anything yet about another build. I received one from the Nov build with the top bin SBT90. I see the price on that LED has come down, like they all do. It was 79.99, DigiKey . This is still the most impressive LED light I’ve used. JMPaul measured his VPT3 @ 364K Lux, I believe. 1,538 Lumens at the rated 9A, only thing though these are driven at 13-16Amps, so I think emitter lumens should be more than 2000! I’ve manage to pull together quite a few of the Lambda lights. I believe right now I have 16 Lambda lights; Five of them are VPTs ( 1 SBT90, 1 Dedomed SST90, 1 SST90, 1 XM-L, and 1 XP-G2) and 3 of them are Hydra multiXML (2 3XM-Ls and one 4 XM-L), 12 of them have the VaraControllers and the 4XML Hydra has the VaraLevel. The others are single mode c and D low voltage/high current XM-L mods.

Really good stuff and that’s why I get it and every iteration has been considerably better than the last. For instance, this,(L) is a copper bonded DeDomed SST90 regular Varapower V the (R)VPT3 SBT90mb. The Light on the left still has an OTF lumen of around 1700 and will be impressive to lots of people. I doubt the Olight SR95UT was using this flux bin (MB) since it is considerably more expensive.

But I don’t know any lights that come close to the LUX at even 1/2 the output.

the price on the nanos is $15 each and 12.50 if you are a FNF member (source - lambdas post)

the only thing that would get me to sell my VPT3 sbt90 mb would be a VPTX XPG2 @4amps with aspheric option

my VPT3 puts out about 75% the lux as my TN31MB with a hotspot nearly twice as big, and the aspheric setup is nice also - makes quite a nice LARGE square beam :slight_smile:

This isn’t updated, since I’ve acquired some more

Here was my VPT XP-G2 with the DEFT aspheric lens

How long does a standard fauxton led light up until its totally empty?
I have one of my old ones with blind led switched on after seeing this threa(50 hours ago) and it still is burning…

good heavens!

Appropriate, because that is a small Church, lol.

thanks for the post… i’m goin grab the nano when available.

quite a collection of lamda lights you got there lawallac!
prolly gonna order 2-3 of them nanos, but what sucks is, i couldnt register to become a member at fnf and that was 2 years ago.
i could have gotten these nanos with that discount haha

FWIW I made the Flashlight News logo… on cpf i went by nemul, lumen backwards. if you look (zoom) on the head of the flashlight in the logo you will see “nemul”

Looks like some nanos are available… here

cool - i grabbed a few

Ive got a green, and red nano on the way for someone at work…
someone who said, ‘hey your keys are on’…and they loved the concept that it stays on 24-7 for a year+ !

I want the original in green but they are out of stock.

I hope he will make some more.

The nano key lights are available again for 15 shipped. I ordered 2 more. I guess this will be the last run of them. Here is the link thread and the direct link to lambda lights site

Bought a blue one, thanks for the heads up!