Plumbers Fins/ Some beam shots by DBCstm added to end of thread

I’m still in awe off your heatsink and driver. That heatsink is a serious piece off art and l cant comprehend how you have made it let alone it looking as perfect as it does.

I can’t wait to see how this thing fits together.

That is some excellent hand work there. People just don't know how much trouble it is to do work like that until they try it themselves. It came out great! Can't wait till the whole light is finished.

I still can’t believe that you can manipulate the driver that way! Driver Magic, that’s what it is! And those fins in the pewter minimag, wow, stunning! Good job, really good work there.

Great work, very nice outputs! That should work splendidly with the XP-G2. And “hot” enough to see how those copper fins work! :wink:

What a beautiful heat sink. It is like you hit every aspect and ratio dead on as far as good looks go. I cannot believe how straight and even those line came out. Well done.

So how’s the build going? Fins are ins, driver is bad to the bone, time to cut up the battery tube? Will it stay under 100mm as a twisty? Neeeeeeeed moooooore ! :slight_smile:

By the way, the Captcha is trippin out down below, reversing the normal question and asking for a wrong answer! :stuck_out_tongue: Glad I was awake, might have tripped me up. hahaha

It’s looking like sub 90mm if I diddle the tailcap. It’s so top heavy I don’t think it’s worth bothering to keep tail standing as an option but hmmm…

I wouldn’t think tail standing would be an issue with a light so small. Certainly not for me. Besides, I’m betting a bit of Sugru would make a nice stand. :wink: AA a small thin strong rare earth magnet to the end and it will tail stand on anything with iron in it. lol

Diddle the tailcap, I always wanted a diddled mini mag. 8)

Edit: Ooh Ooh, a shiny tailed diddled finned mini mag!

RufusBDuck works in small
But his projects stand very tall
His brass rings and fins
Are the mods that are in
And his drivers are loved by us all.

That’s a SERIOUSLY diddled tail cap! And gorgeous! And will match up perfectly with the fins up top! Love it! Brilliant thinking Scott, just simply brilliant!

So now is it prudent to consider nuclear cell research? This things gonna be RBD Small for sure! :slight_smile:

Impressive, Like No Other!

Your in trouble on 3 accounts Mr bduck.

1. When you put new pictures in can you please let us know. I read your post yesterday and skimmed over it not knowing what I’d missed out on. :_(

2. I know your working in miniaturization and l find it hard to comprehend how small these items are. If you dont own a ruler I will purchase one for you. Dont be shy. I dont know what a liberty coin is or how big it is

3. I’ve been distracted by the Mastermind and cant remember what the 3rd thing was. You may be lucky.

I keep telling you how stunning your work is and l do not apologize for this. I’m also not on the ducks pay roll for giving him compliments. This is inspirational work there buddy and I love it. I cannot imagine how long that driver has taken to build but l’m guessing it isn’t a five minute job just like anything else you have done on this light. I can only picture this as a work off dedication.
The duck must be mad. :slight_smile:

That’s a dime MRsDNF, 10cents, our smallest coin. Don’t ask me, I’ve never figured that one out either.

Roughly 17mm across for you blokes across the big water. Or about what a copper pill costs. :wink:

I edit the title when I add new stuff/pics. If I start with a stock part, take it for granted that modded it will be either smaller or a different shape but I’ll try to remember to include a ruler or measurements with pics. Thanks for the reminder Mr Moose.

I like the way this one is turning out. Definitely some keeper ideas. The fins alone should really help with an XML AA shorty as there’s much more volume available.

Couldn’t you start with a copper bar and make the fins out of that, insert it the same way? Instead of all the brass sleeves and rings and washers, seems like that’s more time consuming than just cutting a copper bar down and boring it out. Then you’d have more copper mass with more heat removal properties and you could leave the base for the emitter in the bar for a one-piece built in “pill”. Cup the bottom for the driver and you’re done. Well, maybe not that easy but you probably see my point.

Can’t chuck that diameter copper bar in your drill press? No problem, drill it and tap it put a bolt in it and chuck the bolt. Let that be the driver end or emitter end, either way, when everything else is to your liking ream out the tapped hole to accept the driver/emitter whichever you choose. Just a thought.

In the meantime, I’m really loving the result of your creativity! Checking my Efest IMR10440’s to be sure they’re charged up and ready! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if it’s possible to machine fins as thin as these but I know for a fact that my drill press method is limited to a fat gap(~1.5mm) and that just wouldn’t look right. With this method, the spacing is controlled by the thickness of the wire spacers and though tedious is straightforward and repeatable. The cosmetic drawback is that the joint in the wire spacers is visible. When you get it your photography will expose all the defects not visible in my poor iPhone pics.

But when you see pics I take of it, it will be flawless! :slight_smile:

Do ducks sleep?

Sleep, no. I need a vacation so I can do more mods.


It’s gorgeous! The copper quasi fins in the tube giving accent to the copper tail cap and copper fins really ties the light together. That length is great, the porportions just right, and even the clever idea of leaving the copper slightly larger for grip, stop, accent…brilliant!

Amazing work Scott, simply amazing!

Hardly “just another 10440 light” by any means! Brilliant work of art in one-of-a-kind salute to modding.

My hat’s off to you sir! :heart_eyes: