Deal alerts for - BTU Shocker, SolarStorm, Olight, XinTD...

I got one of those lights. A solid 3.A on high. The beam is absolutely immaculate. I like it so much, I’m not even going to mod it.

Ouchyfoot.. which one? from Intl outdoor or the wallbuys one?

Wallbuys! I’m very happy with it. Hi-med-lo.(no PWM)The blinkies are hidden in a different mode level. It has an eight chip NANJG driver. Qlites are great if you want moonlight mode, if not, who cares. The reflector does not screw into the head, but unless your running at 5A, I don’t think it’s needed for heat management at 3A.
My personal theory is, if the reflector is screwed directly into the pill…great. If it’s screwed into the head itself, then my theory is that the pill moves the heat to the head for dispersal. With the reflector screwed into the head, it will absorb heat from the head, and move it back inside the light. That’s just my personal theory.

Thanks Ouchyfoot..

Now I`m really considering getting one..But I think I should first clean up a few that I have no use for....

About the same with different firmware, standard Nanjg without option for moonlight mode.
For firmware, there is this Nlite version.

Sorry, is this referring to Wallbuys’s XinTD C8 or XinTD X3?

I am confused as well.....

Wallbuys’s XinTD C8

What about these stainless steel light? I don’t like the 3AAA compatibility but I like the side switch…

I won a 4$ coupon :bigsmile:
But as it is not suitable for the sales items it is a bit useless to me…
I would order the baton for 14$(Instead 12.60$ with coupon) and buy for 6$(respectively 7.40:money_mouth_face: more a item what then would only cost 2$(or 3.40:money_mouth_face: more…
Any recommendations for a 6$ item?

Looks horrible :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah you are probably right, so I just ordered one ugly light I don’t need in this order:the extendable baton. Along with some fimo canes I will gift away.
I used my coupon so it was not much more…

The coupon was: 5b9870
4$ of 20$ order or more, not sure if it is a universal code…

I negotiated some new BLF specials, this time AA/CR lights (for Christmas!)

Everyone knows (and loves) PA40 and someone was asking for GB of the SENS lights. So.. Here we go:

JETBeam PA40 for $48.36 (with coupon bgf140)

Nitecore SENS AA or CR for $22.77 (with same coupon bgf140)

Please note that all three lights are conveniently with same coupon - you can buy them together.. :)

Hi The
Could you please negotiate some special for Convoy flashlights? - I love Convoy flashlights
I want to buy Convoy M1/S2 for my grandfather :smiley:
That would be great!

btw. WA1206143806201303ZI - is this your aff code?

I'll try. It's not always easy.. But I'll do my best. M1 & S2.. Maybe also C8 & L2?

And yes, it seems to be my aff code, which I lost earlier today. Thanks for bringing it back! Where did you find it? ;)

Maybe you can get a deal for those cheap zoomies which wallbuys sold for 2$, I guess people would buy these in mass for 2$

Cheap zoomies.. I asked the best possible "BLF price" earlier and got answer of $3.35 (anything lower than that would be at loss), which is still available with code 062947

is what the website indicates when I tried to use that code.

Hmm.. This is what it shows to me:

Apply coupon complete (CODE:062947, Discount:16%)

Order Subtotal: US$3.99
Shipping Fee: US$0.00
Coupon Discount: US$0.64
Grand Total: US$3.35

and got the message that the code wasn’t valid and the price didn’t change. And I cut and pasted the code from your earlier post.

Weird. But then you can use code bgfmc - which brings the price down to $3.39 for 1pc or $3.16/pc for 5pcs..

That would have been enough for me to get a “free” one for me at that price.