My new collection of 50+ Chinese knives


I agree 100%, and Heinnie Haynes just stopped putting U.K. Legal on their knives (that are) and changed it to U.K. Friendly because they might be held responsible if someone was to be prosecuted for carrying a knife bought from them in an “inappropriate situation”.
I have no problem with prosecuting anyone who attacks someone with a knife but if you were to defend yourself then you would be the one being prosecuted, in fact if you are found to be in possession of a legal to carry knife and asked why you are carrying it then if you answer “self defence” you will be prosecuted.
If someone is attacking you you are expected to wait for the police to turn up and take charge.
The United Kingdom is not what it once was by a long way but I’d still take it over many other countries.

I regret not emigrating to Canada, the U.S.A., Australia or New Zealand when I had the chance, I’m a bit to old now.

Clearly, there is something greatly wrong with the system when a person is penalize for being prepared to defend themselves without the use of excessive force. When Im asked why I carry a concealed large caliber high capacity handgun, I tell people its because its my legal right as an American and Ive earned a concealed weapons permit to do so. Its comical in all the different reactions I get. Most native people in my state could care a less and know it to be a normal accessory for the masses, just as sure as wearing a pair of shoes. Liberals always seem to wallow in extreme ignorance, sighting highly emotional misconceptions based on false assumption and gross incompetence… which always gives me a chance to properly educate them. :smiley:

It might be interesting if you posted a thread to let the rest of us know what it is to be a small knives connoisseur in the UK, and the strategies used to get around EDC and import while remaining legal.

Do you watch Top Gear? I love it when Jeremy sights first and last names of government officials and their ridiculous solutions to problems. All for the whole world to see. Incidentally, Top Gear earned a spot in the top 10 lineup for the most watched internationally syndicated TV shows on the entire planet. And that was years before they created separate programs in different countries. Jeremy for Prime Minister and Stig in charge of traffic efficiency, speed limits and roadway signage. :bigsmile:

I might just do that, it would take a while to organize my thoughts but I’ll have a go.
I do watch Top Gear and would give Jeremy Clarkson and The Stig top spots in government, they would never get elected because they make too much sense to be in parliament.
And you are right the U.K. has got problems and I can’t see it getting any better anytime soon.
I’ve just broken one of the rules, mine, of never mentioning politics or religion on the internet or in a pub, you will get nowhere and not change anybody’s opinion nso it it a waste of good drinking time! :bigsmile:
I am just happy that we are , mostly, aligned with the U.S.A.

Politics… there is discussion, debate and opinion, and then there is the defining of incontrovertible fact. I’ll just leave it at that. :bigsmile:

Guinness, Heineken or Soddingtons? Cheers! I think now we can move onto religion… NOT! I miss all the pubs in the UK, but Ive heard that as many as 40 in London alone, have been closing on a daily basis. How sad that the times are changing.

I think a lot of people will benefit from your UK EDC knife discussion thread. Im looking forward to your post if you decide to have a go at it. With the fight to save the UK during WWII and all the technical innovation that came from your country, Im surprised that every citizen doesnt wear a cutlas and PPK as a decloration of national pride. Hmm… that gives me an idea.

I’m sure that is misleading info published by the UK media. An article I read the other day agreed that many pubs were closing, what the media did not report was that after a refit and rebrand they were re opening after a few weeks. But good news won’t sell newspapers so it doesn’t get reported.

BTW I noticed Mr Clarkson using a blade on his leatherman whilst repairing his truck in topgear last week.

I’m just glad I can carry a knife with a locking blade. It’s a safety issue; if it won’t lock open, I’m much more likely to hurt myself. I managed to cut myself several times with my old Leatherman PST II, even while trying to be careful. But I’ve had no such issues with a frame lock or liner lock blade.

A friend of mine now has an international criminal record because she forgot to remove a tiny can of pepper spray from her key chain before visiting the UK. Apparently it counts as a firearm.

At least flashlights aren’t normally banned. No matter where I go, I can generally blind someone with a torch if I need a few extra seconds to run away. Though, to be fair, things really shouldn’t get to that point unless I have already made several big mistakes.

Caution: Snark-infested waters ahead!

Well I got them - after about three weeks - Sanrenmu SRM 7010, 7049, and ZB4-T21. A little note from Australian Customs saying they did not confiscate any. Ta.
I like these knives - I’ve been using the 7010 every day for the past month. It is easy to sharpen and solid.
As I couldn’t find much information on these (except the Chinese/HK websites that don’t seem to show too much) I’ve done a few daggy youtube videos to show what they look like.
I wonder if the US brand is really worth that much anymore - it is at least 8 times the price. So obviously the USA will have to stress their quality as the differential - hence the various steels. But I can’t see it working as most of the steel comes from China/Japan.
I have a few ZDP-189 steel knives from the USA that are driving me crazy trying to sharpen them.
The other argument is about theft of design copyright. But historically it doesn’t really have legs - think of the compass, tea, paper and the number system (esp 0 and 1) all copied from the Chinese. I suppose the Chinese could do a swap. :wink:

So for me it’s the Chinese SRM.

Diamonds will sharpen ZDP.


What exactly do you use?

I only have one ZDP knife, a ladybug I haven’t had to sharpen yet. If I did though I’d use the credit card diamond plates made by DMT I think.

You can find them on eBay in pairs of coarse and fine, and medium and extra fine.

No matter how hard the steel, diamonds are harder.

I think the problem is not whether the sharpening stone cuts the steel. I can do that. It seems to be something else. I have a feeling that the steel at the edge is ‘sticky’ on a micro level and will not come away from the blade. I can get a very good looking edge on the blade - but it is not sharp compared to other steels.
So when you do get to sharpen the ZDP a few times - let me know how you go.

ZDP story from the Spyderco forum.

The diamond rods on the Sharpmaker, then just follow the normal stone progression finishing with light strokes seems to be what they recommend.

Yep I’ve seen all that - wait till you try it. It does not work. Most people are quoting from others who have never done it. It is an interesting aspect of web information. No one knows until they physically actually do it.

Well obviously it can be sharpened, because they come from the factory very sharp.

What do Spyderco use?

My instinct is that they use a belt grinder, followed by a polish on a leather belt (also on a grinder), as that seems to be the most production oriented form of knife sharpening for a small volume manufacturer.

From the sounds of things ZDP doesn’t let go of the burr easily.

Fasttech has my favorite EDC back in stock at a great delivered price. The Enlan/Bee EL-01A Stainless Steel Folding Knife. Click the pull-down window for all the different versions and prices.

+1 I have a pair of these. G10 & Wooden models. ROBUST knives for sure. A Best Buy if there ever was one.

The wooden scaled model is my favorite.

I’ve had my Sanrenmu folders for about six months now and they seem to still be good. The 710 has got a bit loose.
I am interested to see how these Chinese knives fare after using them for a couple of years. I don’t think they sharpen as well as the SAK or 12C27 knives I have.