ATTINY13A-SSU 5 pcs = $4.31 ($0.862/piece) or if you buy 15 pcs $0.764/piece

Not the cheapest I’ve seen:



Edit: My apologies, they did indeed look a little bit fat. :bigsmile:

The eBay ones are the bigger SU version you need the SSU model for flashlight drivers.

Those look strangely square-ish to me, or the pictures are wrong! Will they fit on Nanjg, same package?
Never mind, got my answer :slight_smile: thanks Major :slight_smile:

Fluke 15B F15B Professional Auto Range Digital Multimeter $58.88
It looks to be a good price for Fluke branded multimeter!

also, SolarStorm bike light 2 x XM-L (battery pack included) for 26 bucks

Best price that I have ever saw for Olight SR51 = $59.79 (with blf coupon code)

No paypal :_(

UltraFire C8 $8.88

Unsure if these are the good ones or the cheapo clones

fcuk…Coupon code KNIFECARD expired. Dang horsecrap. I’ll get only 2 I guess now!

Thanks man. Even at the discounted current price, its a real steal at $0.97. Best EDC ever….Especially for office workers!

Got 3 :slight_smile: Wouda bought a ton more but I don’t know the quality. If only I checked this thread earlier!


New coupon code is MAXNEWS1

BEST-168Z Electronic Maintenance Fixed Magnifying Glass aka Helping hands @$6.06

BG clearance Madness (till 8th Apr ’14)

non-aff link



Thanks koyotee. Works for one only. I took it!

If you live in NY, maybe… More than 100 miles to the nearest one from my house. :frowning:

£1.99 with free postage. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141072855706?\_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
No name 2000mAH. I have been using these pulled cells in my Olight i6 for the last four weeks and they have performed well.

Only for European users:

Keeppower 14500 - 800mAh protected buttontop 3,85€/piece

Great deal what a bargain bought one but wondering how many more to get! Shame they don’t seem to fit my mini 10. Any idea of the quality of the cells any markings? I’m thinking of making a portable power supply battery bank but am wary of obscure cells.

can you post photo of the cells please??

Rigol 1052 oscilloscope aliexpress £201 / $330

Excellent price on this popular little scope.

A guy on the EEVblog has done a step by step hack that opens it up to 100Mhz all you need is a memory stick and a few minutes to spare, very very easy.

I bought one from china last year for £205 from Sainsmart. DHL shipping so should arrive quickly, mine from Sainmart came with DHL and arrived in something crazy like 3 days from ordering!

Yes they are a few years old now and isn’t wide screen and yes there are cheaper ones that appear better on paper but these are easy to use solid performers and have a huge following.

Rigol 1052