PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS IN OP Spark SF3/SF5 Flashlights + SG3/SG5 Headlamps —— CW or NW —— $44 shipped w/tracking – minimum met!

I thought I had heard about sparks with Luxeon emitters, but they are nowhere to be found :quest:
Anyway, count me in for a SF3!

The data on the website shows both the 3 and 5 series at 1.6 to 4.2 volts.

Edit: This review lists 0.9 to 4.2 volts. I was wondering how it could run on an eneloop if it required 1.6 volts.

jmpaul320, can you ask hkequipment if they can give us who want the SG headlamp, a combo deal on the optional spot reflector which is $9.99 normally, for maybe $6 extra, for an even $50? This right here:

Spark Textured Reflector Set for SG Series Headlight

put me down for one SG3 NW. Been looking at headlamps for a friend, this would seem to fit the bill nicely.

yes - I will inquire about the reflector - I just sent another email


come on blf! we are half way there :slight_smile: (livin on a prayer???) sorry.

Nice, I was looking at these just a few days ago.

Put me down for an sg5 neutral. I’d also get one of those spot reflectors if that is possible.

44$, that’s a bit steep for so small flashlight! I guess Spark is not giving it “cheap” actually all of their light are WOW priced…
Can I use blfdemigod’s tactic and offer $15? :stuck_out_tongue:

Count me in.
Will get 1 SG5-NW. This will be my first headlight.

BTW, does the package include the head strap? Or you need to buy it separately?

Comeon Sirius, $15 for a $59 lamp? Not even I would dare suggest that absurd price! But to be honest, it wouldn't hurt to ask for a lower price, say $40 even , but if not, then $44 works for me too. I am also astounded by how much these sparks retail for. $59 seems way too high for this brand, at least make the price 2/3rds-3/4th of a zebralight, but not as much as a zebralight!

I was going to get a zebralight, but feel they are too expensive as well for what they are. But the SG3, looks really good to me with that carbon-fiber sleeve, and takes 16340 batteries! I wish spark would make another headlamp model as well, that could fit a single 18350 battery, and push out 650+ lumens!

Can we get 25 people! I really want that SG3, but only at $44, at $49 I'm out!

If the SG3 came with both reflectors I’d be in, but $11.50 for the extra reflector? Definitely out.
I’d do $44 for the SG3+throw reflector. The SF3 has it and I don’t need the headstrap, I just need a right-angle light.

Spark finishes are always on the TOP, zebralights finishes…. sometimes good ….sometimes …. puaf.

As far as I know it only comes one way in retail packaging. It comes with the strap and the clip.

Thanks mhanlen.

hkequipment added a code for the reflector for $8

code added to OP

I’m tempted by the SG5 but I already have so many headlamps including a Spark 18650 model. I use it everyday at work.

Thank you sir. :slight_smile:

What! Is that too much J)
Zebralight and Spark (among others like Armytek) are seriously overpriced + chinese carbon is really cheap especially because you don’t need high strength and thickness carbon like for bicycle components/frames…
A year ago or so I was really excited about bike light that they were getting ready to release (SDB100) and when they finally did, price was like $160+ and I was like:

Only had I not ordered the Armytek Wizard pro from hkequipment two weeks ago…

Long time lurker, first time poster…

Great forum!

Count me in for one (SG3 in NW). Thanks.

Welcome to the Forum! :beer: :beer: