Convoy S2+ User Interface.... how to lock on medium low or high?

When I click on the tailcap is there any way to guarantee a low or high setting?

I love this little light but don’t like the seemingly randomness of which mode will be active when I turn on the light.

I wish I could lock in low/high or medium/high and easily switch between those two modes.

Leave the light on in whatever mode you want to ' memorize ' for at least 5 seconds .

Turn the light off .

When you turn the light back on , it will be right where you want it .

Edit : If you wish to save it in low mode , you will have to wait several seconds after the blink before you turn off the light or it will revert back to the opposite mode group .

I think the S2+ uses a fairly standard type of driver with next mode memory. Basically, the light will advance to the next mode unless you leave it on at least 2 seconds. If left on that long, then it will memorize that mode and stay in it next time you turn it on.

Your best bet would be to upgrade the driver with a “off-time memory” driver from Mountain Electronics. Instead of measuring the time the light is left on, an off-time memory driver uses a capacitor to measure the time the light has been left off. If you leave the light off for something like 1 second it will come back in the same mode it was last on. With this time of driver, you can flash the light on for a half second and still get the same mode next time you turn it on. It’s far more intuitive. You’ll need a soldering iron and basic soldering skills to install the driver.

Some lights have shortcuts that allow instant access to low or high from off. For example, you can turn on a Zebralight to moonlight just by holding the button down over half a second. Or you can get to max power by clicking and releasing quickly. Unfortunately, this type of driver requires an electronic switch and is not compatible with the S2+ without major structural modification to the light.

Nanjg 105 is used, no next mode memory. Behavior like jacktheclippper described.