Test/Review of Samsung INR18650-25R 2500mAh (Green)

All of the 25Rs I have are blue, until now I hadn’t seen a green one.

Thanks for the review.

I have the HE2’s[K’Power version] and the Efest 35A. They both work well w/ the HE2’s with slightly less of a Voltage sag than the Efests.

Thanks to your comparator which is very helpful! One night I was comparing batteries for ~ 2 hours!! :wink: ,I know,get a life!! lol! ,I just have alot of spare time!

They are same, sometimes green, sometimes blue i buy those like every month from NKOL , and the seller stated there isnt any difference between blue and green

Some states that greens are fakes but thats not true, vise versa: a korean guy( it was either in FT forum or CPF) pointed out that since 10.2014 only green ones should be produced

Can you please give us a link of that shop in EU where you buy batteries, thanks. I am ordering from Fasttech but it takes way to long to get them.

He was referring to

banggood ships in around 14 days to Austria (atm they sell for 11.25 a pair :wink: )

Thanks for the review HKJ, and I knew you had a back log but these and the HE2 you recently reviewed make it clear how back logged you must be.

Theres a North Korean Old Lumens?

Indeed, i ordered 2 times batteries from Banggood, and they came in like 2-3-4 weeks, but on the CN they were declared as chargers, hehe, both times

Err……can you translate this one pls? :slight_smile:

The joke is that there is a North Korean clone of our Old Lumens (Justin) who makes and modifies lights with excellent attention to detail using minimal power tools. Known for his file work especially.

Thanks HKJ, appreciate the review. I knew the 25R was a bit below the 35A in performance, but didn’t realize exactly how the HE-2 and 35A compared. It was said that the Purple 35A was a rewrapped HE-2 but I knew better, the lights showed me. :wink: Close, but no cigar.

Your comparator is awesome! I wish it could be expanded to directly compare 3 or 4 cells simultaneously but oh well. :slight_smile:

Back to MTN for more HE-2’s, :wink:

The KeepPower IMR 2500mAh with white labels ( old ) , has within the LG HE2.
The new KeepPower IMR 2500mAh black, has within the Samsung 25R.
The old is really very powerful battery .
In relation to the Efest 2500 purple, is stronger .
But if she is the black then it is weaker up to 3.8 V.
From there down, it’s better the performance.

Sorry, but I think Samsung 25R (Green), is much better.
I bought 20 such batteries (not all for me of course) from NKON and is flawless.
I am steamer Electronic Cigarettes and discharge into machine mod, is the most often from 3 Amps and can even reach 90 Amps (0.1 Oms in 3 Volts.)
Naturally me personally, do not care to 90 Amps, but for discharge of 5 - 7 Amps. , My 25R Samsung have shown to be the best.
Even the Sony VTC5.
The HE2 / 4 is the strongest of the 4.2 V up to 3.8V. After the 3.7 Volts, is the marked their weakness, more than the other two (VTC5-25R)

Measured Volts from fresh battery to 4.2V, all have almost the same performance, but from the 3.8V and then the 25R is purely the strongest battery of the three, up to 3.3V, which will go for charging.

For me it is all three (four with HE4) batteries are very good, but I personally have seen the best performance in electronic cigarette with the 25R, the Ohm these.

After the 10 Amps yes, Sony is better, but personally 10 AMPS in electronic cigarette, avoid them.

I was surprised, however, the very low yield of the test, especially since I have these batteries and I see that the same performance with the blue.

Henrik, a big thank you for your trouble, my friend.
If it was you, little would know.

Always be well man.


How come in HKJ’s review and comparator he has the IMR Keeppower Black 2014 cell listed as LG ICR18650HE2???

P.S. I quit smoking 18 years ago. I do not Vape!!! The batteries work well in my Modified search lights! 8)

I think I’ve read somewhere that the green 25R are the newer ones, they changed the color, so the blue ones are simply from an earlier production.

As far as I’m concerned all of my lights draw the highest amps from the HE4, higher than HE2 and 25R. If you scroll down on this page, you’ll find curves at 20A of the HE4 vs the HE2 and the HE4 vs the VTC5.


I will have to get my girlfiend or neighbor to translate! Neighbor born in Bad Nauheim and girlfriend born in Kindenheim,near Worms, SW of Frankfurt! :bigsmile:


Same batteries[HE2/HE4] different testers ….different results!

On HKJ’s comaparator the H4’s sag more at 20A than the H2’s??? :~



Look the various positive poles and the distance from the head my friend.
After eye on the original 25R - HE2 and you will see the corresponding head.

The KP Dude really had inside the LG HE2, but before the ’15 glans the 25R.
The KP black however is now in most shops, such in the 25R definitely.
I have six new KP and are all the means 25R.

But as yields are identical with the 25R.
Same length, same size and identical their heads.
I have unwrapped two KF and measuring sizes. Are identical with the 25R.

This I saw. If I’m wrong …… I apologize my friend.

Sorry,a bit of a language barrier. Not exactly clear with all you said.

I don’t KNOW who is right or wrong!,It is NOT always a matter of that. I am simply stating One persons review[HKJ] in comparison to others reviews and opinions. :wink:

s. I am not sure what your “links” are,but they do not work!

Enough said. I Apologize to HKJ in getting to a debate which does very little in contributing to his review!

Thanks for this review.
I have the blue ones.

I found this info about date codes:

My blue one has this on the metal tube
And 2EB2 on the wrapper.
I got it from BG some days ago…
Blue 25R
E 2014
B december
2 2nd

THE BEST post yet! ,hold on,you edited it!! lol!

Everyone have a nice day/evening. :bigsmile:

For all the hype this cell gets around the vaping circles, the actual performance as measured is disappointing. Could the change in wrapper color signify a change in quality grade too? Some other comparative graphs from Illumn and nkon paint a different picture (the 25R is somewhat inferior to the VTC5 in voltage drop under load but quite a bit better than the HE2).

I accept the measurements of Henrik, almost always agree with my own. If no difference is insignificant and may be related to the equipment of everyone, but personally I saw very good performance with green 25R.
It is known that the temperature helps the performance of batteries mAh, but it can and will affect the performance of the force.
Many times there are differences in the same batteries and one may be lower than the other.
Buying more than one year from the NKON and Green bought from there, I have the measurements.
Same their performance with the blue.
Apology to Henrik for the off-topic conversation I had in some places ……