My 1000th post GAW! Time's UP! Winner selected... cfy7, come on down!

Davidef should win because it’s his idea to give a led away!

cfy7 should win, because he is the first to respond to this thread.

btw DavidEF. thanks for the giveaway... the 1000 posts giveaways have been a little quiet lately.. glad you joined.

Congrats on 1K DavidEF. Really great to have you around. Very nice giveaway. I'll pass on entry as I have many MT-G2's. I'm trying to reduce my hoarding.

In compliance with your posting rules:

ChibiM should win because he is an awesome member that contributes much to BLF.

ImA4Wheelr should win, just to cause more mess in his hording :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers David

pommie from down under should win so that once he has the prize in hand he can ship it to me.

Great giveaway DavidEF, thanks for doing this ! :exmark:

Streamer should win since he will be next giving the 2000 post

Breinrules should win because he encourages others to do giveaways

I think can can be the winner. Why you ask, well……………………….LASER CATS!!! Need I say more!

I vote for Ricflair.

Has to do something with his hair.
Don’t know about his underwear

Henk4U2 should win because he is fairly new and I don’t think he has ever won one before!

Legolas Jr. Should win or he’ll shoot you with an arrow!

mwfire should win so he can dedome another MT-G2 in his other UrAnusFire X9. :smiley:

Congrats on the 1k posts!

Jubeldum should win for posting a video of a smokin’ flashlight!

Jubeldum should win a MT-G2 so he can can have his own smoking AnusFire….oops, I meant UrAnusFire

Edit: pepebig beat me to Jubeldum

pepebig should win because he is not ashamed to be proud of his pepe and call it big

n10sivern should win a mt-g2 to build a nice pocket flooder.

nofearek9 should win because he wrote a nice review about the ThorFire VG10 Tactical Flashlight!

Plato should win because Basil had it pretty rough.

argolite should win because he/she is the most wonderful person in the world!

jhalb should win because i want to visit texas somewhen

M4D M4X should win because he might need some led emitters since he’s got no kangaroos