My 1000th post GAW! Time's UP! Winner selected... cfy7, come on down!

Legolas Jr. Should win or he’ll shoot you with an arrow!

mwfire should win so he can dedome another MT-G2 in his other UrAnusFire X9. :smiley:

Congrats on the 1k posts!

Jubeldum should win for posting a video of a smokin’ flashlight!

Jubeldum should win a MT-G2 so he can can have his own smoking AnusFire….oops, I meant UrAnusFire

Edit: pepebig beat me to Jubeldum

pepebig should win because he is not ashamed to be proud of his pepe and call it big

n10sivern should win a mt-g2 to build a nice pocket flooder.

nofearek9 should win because he wrote a nice review about the ThorFire VG10 Tactical Flashlight!

Plato should win because Basil had it pretty rough.

argolite should win because he/she is the most wonderful person in the world!

jhalb should win because i want to visit texas somewhen

M4D M4X should win because he might need some led emitters since he’s got no kangaroos

OscarM grouch should win since it gets dark in his trash can.

Hbomb should win because LOL’ed at his post

AlexGT should win it because he needs MT-G2’s in his purdy yellow car.

DBSAR should win the emitters, so he’ll be closer to achieve those 1,21 “giggalumens”!

DBSAR must win because; his builds are awesome !

Totilde should win because he beat me to it !

Suncoaster should win because he's around here for longer than me.

And I'm not in, I have a spare MT-G2 already, just want to congratulate David on 1000 nice and useful posts.

djozz should win because he’s humble and doesn’t want to win. Also, I think he’s secretly trying to get Suncoaster double votes. :wink:

In that case… Suncoaster should win because he’s not a sore loser.

Xelario should win, because he isn't a noob, but I haven't noticed him until now. He is a member for a year with 200 posts. Maybe we read and post in complete different threads :)

Buwuve should win because this is the first time I see this nick during all my time here :smiley: Shows how huge this place is nowadays!