KD (kaidomain): Deals and new products thread

Everything I have looked at there today, the description is all messed up.


I tried to look at the marbled light, and yeah description was just a string of html.

Put it in the file and open with browser. It should be nicely readable.

In IE and Google Chrome all listings are trashed - continuous HTML - what a mess...

KD has always been a strange site - some good deals, good variety, but poor English, poor listings, ugly pictures, many times critical specs are missing. They just gotta fix this HTML problem though. I just don't get it.

Its a mess on Firefox as well.

Hi friend,

Sorry for that problem.

KD is upgrading in recent days. We would release a Coupon system to all BLF members.

Hope you can understand with us.


If you see any question, please feel free to contact me.

I’m on chrome and its fine.

The problem is solved.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Thanks!! I see it is fixed.

Your wishlist problem still exist. If you click on anything in your wishlist, you get a “page not found” error.

Thanks friend.

Yes. I am getting the same error.

I would pass to our technical support to solve out the problem.

Thanks for your reporting.

New KLARUS XT11 with Cree XM-L2 U2 for $60.51

New KLARUS XT12 with Cree XM-L2 U2 for $73.41

KD Coupon Code for all BLF members

Coupon Code: blf (5% off)


1 Thank



I tried it and it didn’t work. :frowning:

If the item is on discount price, the coupon code will not take any effect.

If you still have any question, please let me know.


New Arrival TrustFire MINI-03 Cree XPG R5 3-Mode Mini LED Flashlight $13.89

Btw, KD did list some neutral tint XHP70’s

actually a bucketload of tints for the XHP50 and XHP70 now :-)