Re-titled, New Views, Big Bang Theory, Nobel Prize

I don't know why people find the truth so hard to believe that aliens planted us here like seeds so they could watch us from space like a messed up sitcom or something. We must be the laughing stock of the entire universe with some of the stupidity that has occurred on this planet.

(Pokes the tiger in the eye with a stick slowly backs away turns and runs full speed like the cops are chasing him.)

Here's another Tiger poke: I believe God created everything and all discoveries made/will be made will ultimately point to that and be seen and accepted as such by all, eventually.


Well, I see that someone went to church today and I wonder what the sermon was about? :)

This thread should be entitled "I want to start another debate on religion...who's in!" :)

This is not a forum on religion. I really, really, really, really do NOT want religious debates here. They never go well.

Same here man. I said to myself… no… no… no… Whew!
Now that I know it wasn’t about the show, get on with your debates I have no interests in it(rather lost interest it in a long long time ago).

I always wanted to be an Astrophysicists, but I never saw a help wanted ad for one so I never persude it. Is anybody hiring Astrophysicists, were do you work what is the starting pay? It has to be one of the coolest jobs ever. I mean really what is the worst thing that can happen on a bad day working as an Astrophysicists?

I like the subject matter and read in that area quite often but the worst thing that could happen on a bad day would be to get a bad headache :)

Dude, have you seen the size of the telescopes these guys handle? Imagine dropping one of those on your toes. Also, they are mounting FRIGGIN' LASERS on them! Never underestimate the danger of a telescope falling on your toes while it shoots you in the eyes with a laser beam.

Point taken that could really suck trying to drive home from work blind in one eye with a broken foot and those telescopes are usually out in the middle of nowhere so you probably have a long drive to get there.

BIG BANG IS BIG POOP !!! its a lame attempt by infinitely small minded people that have no concept of how something so great is well beyond the limits of their knowledge !

yes evidence its expanding blah blah , therfore big boom makes sense. chicken or the egg ? my advice for scientists - work on propulsion systems and deep fry the $!!$$!@% CHICKEN !


How elegant!


lol very


have they figured out if coffee is good for you or bad this week. I think i am going to tell the boss i am studying dark energy this week lol

people forget creationism if you cant fathom it , just realize we couldnt even get a plane in the air a hundred years ago. so at best its a work in progress and most likely as correct as the world being flat

no need to get upset everyone has a opinion ...

that would be indeed very sad, love it too

Could never really comprehend the concept of "infinity"... The thought of traveling with no end ...

God loves you all...

Try walking around the earth and stop when you get to the end :)

Or maybe someone can drag out the picture with the donkey, stick and carrot :) The carrot is infinity!

LOL. Same here. Actually, the thread hadn't even fully loaded before I hit CTRL+K and pulled up IMDB. :D

Fishmaniac,your message also includes a machine gun pointing at us.


Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition. As they say in the states.

This is also clearly trolling.