very strange behavior BANGGOOD

I was told on the Quadcopter at 4AM our time :wink: there have been 10.000+ clicks :wink:

i am sure we are not the only people on this planet skipping sleep / work / life for hunting a deal :smiley:

i snapped the car charger from blitzwolf some days ago…
i did EXACTLY how mentioned below in the rules!

sure but, i added to my cart a blitzwolf 5 port and the message told me it has been added, obviously loading the cart, shows no Blitzwolf item…. .

and i guess it could be true for a product that has been discounted from 1300$ to 9.90 but from a product from 13.xx to almost 10, in the EU version i don’t think there could have been billillions of clicks, also with 50pcs availability this is more true.

Also everything could be masked saying that someone in a part of the world arrived before you, this as always been said for sales like that, but we cannot always be the last one, statistically….

I usually do not even try but it was exactly because you were able to get the car charger that i tried to partecipate….Also bare with me i come with an experience of an MH20 won from banggood here on this forum, on july, never arrived, and untracked.

Nevermind i do not want to put you M4D M4X into this, i have to be clear on this, in any way. And I’m not “hating” i was just referring a customer point of view.

NB: M4D M4X now you have to match the 4.99 :stuck_out_tongue: price tag for your 24W blitzwolf, i’m more interested in the 5 port, but i guess i could step in if i cannot find a deal for the 40W one…. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Apparently the blitzwolf charger is available in white and black within the mobile app! no quantity restrictions, same price, no hassle. The tricky part would be loading up the app and the product site… I am trying to get to the item and keep getting a time out :frowning:

Thanks, it worked, but it took me 35 minutes.
And i think i’ve lost my 10% first app purchase coupon since it was not possible to redeem it

banggood site is unreachable now for me… error 500

It was the same for me.
I could add charger to the cart but when I tried PayPal it said that item is out of stock. And I thought I was fast enough… :slight_smile:
Once I refresh deal page I saw that 40 pcs are still available. On my second try I couldn’t even add item to the cart.
Then I’ve given up, for me that’s too much hassle for a dollar or two discount.
Now, I cant even login to my account. Guess I have to wait until sale is over to be able to login and buy products :stuck_out_tongue:

Side note to whoever wants to buy with the “app prices” :

load the app, if you manage to do it
Than look for the item you want,
when the item is in the list of the result of the search or anyway when you se its thumbnail, just click on the tiny cart of the square that encloses the thumbnail.
Than, if you wish you should be able to complete the payment via PC browser and avoid other issues reaching you cart and loggin into paypal, which i find to fail 2 times out of 3.


After an hedeache for nothing, now the good prices are available also via web browser 7.99 9.90



should i point out that i tried something like 24 more deals and none of them worked, well to be prices NONE had a button you could actully click on, the RUSH TO BUY button was not “clickable” at all, with any browser, nor different OS, all the tests done at the “o’clock” time with second synced with NIST servers

sounds like their web page had some serious errors from the beginning… then with the increased web traffic the whole thing just pooped the bed. Sorry you lost sleep.

To be honest. … It’s my fault if I’m stupid…I’m not saying i would not partecipate in future, but not with this unfair premises and in the Middle of the night , was too weak to resist.

I was driving while coming home After work and found my self almost on the grass on the side of the road… 2 times and it was a Big road… With lot of trucks and CARs… Not kidding here.
I’m used to be almost that tired, like other worker here, so i guess that little more resistance is what not changed in bad my day.

I have had similar problems getting my 9.9 deals done. I did manage to get my Olight S15R in the end after similar hassles to yourself but the second time I went on I have failed completely to get the item I wanted. Luckily this time it was an impulse purchase Nitecore Tube in white (at £3.92 it was hard to resist). I am not going to go back in for that one as it is not worth the effort frankly and I know sooner or later someone will have it on sale again at a similar price.

I don’t think Banggood has done this deliberately but at sale time it really sorts the men from the boys when it comes to web sites.

USB wiederaufladbare LED-Leuchte Nitecore T Series Tube 45LM Schlüsselanhänger Sale - Banggood Deutschland ( non aff )
The Nitecore tube is still available for less than 4 quid, without any efforts. If you need it, it is right there!

I have been right the way through to confirming the payment about six times in the last hour. It always falls at the last fence.

I am currently in Europe and the morning on BG was like hell, nothing worked. However, at this point in time all the offers are valid and I can checkout and pay. Never thought this would happen…

Still not working here. . None of them… Even a toothbrush… Not able to click on the button… Now tested on 3 browser x 7 PC plus a tablet and a phone

Same here - "rush to buy" was a waste of time. The whole website seemed to have issues.

i tried to snap things on my android phone - but failed because i had trouble being logged in at the productpage ….
on other pages it was okay

minutes ago i used my laptop (win 7) and 2 windows and hunted that android miniPC and the silicone wires.

clicked like a idiot the last 30 secs
both pages went direct to PayPal (i was logged in in a third window)
klicked “pay now“ (or so….)
and got a “sorry sold out“ for the miniPC and a order confirmation for the wires…

also bought some of the 9.90 items

it does work :wink:

A bit off topic here, but still, it’s about banggoods 9-9 anniversary.

Banggoods giveaway got deleted? Anyone know why?

i think because someone pointed it was against BLF rules to require someone to buy something, even so i think it’s a bit controversial for 2 reason,
1.the requirement was that something had to be bought before and in a determinated contest; the 9.9 day contest (well, maybe the contest had to be submitted the day after so no more buys could have been made)
2. this has happened before IIRC with worst conditions (ex. you have to buy something in that moment to partecipate contrary have what BG contest asked) IHMO it was a good commercial move, that contest, many BLFers had bought something anyway on 9.9 (because it’s our instinct and our hands are full of holes) and BG seemed to care about our preception of its shop…. commercially speaking

I see.
Thanks for the information.

I think it was meant well and not really a way to force people to buy, but I can see why it’s against the rules.
And a giveaway with people having to buy something first is indeed not really a giveaway but more a gamble.