Blue S2+ flashlight, for guys, for your bro!

I LOVE that idea. If Simon made a pill for S2, S2+, S8 etc, it would certainly be a huge hit here on BLF, especially now that everyone wants triples.

How solid is the F6 clip on the s2+?

:bigsmile: Just a little teaser… I’m going to have to start a new post for this one…

And now I’m in trilemma. :expressionless:

Really solid. It’s a really tight fit and the metal is really stiff. It wasn’t easy getting it on without scratching the anodizaion.

I’m “green” with envy :bigsmile:
Just ordered the 18350 tubes in blue and red, so maybe this green will be my hext purchase once they have the 18350 tubes as well

The tubes are different or you can screw them both way? I was expecting dark military olive color but pinewood/mint green look great and fresh.
Great work. Now we only need moonlight mode :slight_smile:

FWIW, Simon is free to use all my firmware if he wants. It’s open-source. I’d probably even be willing to make something a little more general-purpose which works on nanjg drivers, if he wants. Like, blf-a6.c minus the parts which require extra non-nanjg hardware. It’d be like QLITE plus.

I’m not sure he’s aware of the options available to him, but that might be fixable.

Oooh. That would be awesome.

I’d be interested in this ultimate
Edition to get the clip. Any idea when it would be available? Might have to get a blue host, shorty tube and clip.

Toykeeper you are a wonderful gift to this community. I’ve been trying to get Simon to understand exactly what you are saying. With any luck I will be able to convince him to to offer a firmware flashing option with your brilliance built in. If not as a general option perhhaps a group buy S series build for the “Ultimate edition” which by the way everyone, was just an idea I had, not an actual product…yet. A group buy with Simon would be awesome. It would be even easier if I can just talk him into adding the firmware option. I’ll be in touch if I can talk him into it. Thank you.

The blue host and shorty tube are available now but the clip is still on Simon’s drawing board. Give it a few weeks and we should have some news on the clip.

That’s cool. Will there be a change in machining to fit the clip or will it fit in the existing grooves?

Originally he wanted to redo the design of the flashlight to better accomodate a clip but I asked him to make it work with the existing design because so many of us already have these lights. So yes, it should fit in the exisisting grooves.

You guys are killing me. I can’t resist this, especially the steel switch. So this is type 2 anodizing right? I have messaged/mailed Simon at his store and await his response. IT was never planning on getting these, but they are just too cool, especially with the 18350 tubes.

If the anodizing is weak, I’ll just strip it and go bare!

I hadn’t either to be honest as red just wasn’t my thing. Then I thought, while yes, my wife makes fun of me a bit for my flashlight obsession she should have a good reliable light so I ordered the red one for her. Even she, now admits she loves it. The red, once seen in person is really impressive. It has a subtle metallic sheen that makes it even more jewel-like. It’s been bouncing around her purse for months with keys and other miscellaneous items. I just asked her to show it to me again so I could inspect it. On one edge of the tail I can see just a hint of bare metal showing through. Is it military grade? No… but it is pretty darn tough. Let me know what Simons says about whether or not it is type II. I hit him with way too many questions as it is so I try to avoid repeats. :smiley: I now have a blue for myself and one for my son and I’ll have a green one as soon as it’s available. I also have blue and red short tubes on the way and I CAN’T WAIT for the new clip! Simon is really on a roll. These last several months he must be working 20 hours a a day.

I see now, tube is just reversed. Does I turn on both ways? Practically a must for tube lights since they make the best cap lights.

Done. Ordered 2 blues (minimum order). Changed to 1 blue and 1 red by PM. Confirmed by Simon!

Can you convince Simon to do a bare run like the bare A6?

I’ve received the shipment notification for my order of 1 red and 1 blue short tubes.
Thumbs up to Simon