New Convoy Deep Carry clip

It does. Someone posted a picture of it on the A6 in the green S2+ thread Waiting for the light to turn green - Green Convoy S2+

Fits my Thorfire C8 as well but not my S3

Just got my clips. They fit great on my s2+’s.

Fits on my convoy s8 as well, but it slips up and down a little since the groove is wider.

I like them.

Shipping was extremely fast. I didn’t expect it to be that quick, that’s for sure.

Nice. Simon usually does a much better job shipping quickly than all the other Chinese sellers I’ve dealt with. For me it’s typically right around 2 weeks, sometimes a bit less.

The S8 is a nice looking light. I think I need to get one at some point.

I just talked to my wife and I have the package with the new L2 tubes and my clips waiting for me at home! :bigsmile:

Just got mine in, wow, where have these been? Fit my DQG tiny III 18650pretty good as well…

Thanks on this!

Now for a convoy AA with a clip like this…

I also received these today from Simon.

Fits very well on the tailcap of the BLF A6. The groove there is just right.
Very pleased with this improvement! Thanks for making this happen.

Have a good image, but Dropbox as image host does not seem to be supported.

Now available at BG

Much better value from Simon though. :wink:

Indeed it is a better value from Simon. Almost makes you wonder why someone would post a link to Banggood in the thread I started for Simon. :expressionless:

Just messing around with a s2+.

I unscrewed the head a little bit from the tube, put the clip on reverse style and tightened it. Light still works and now the light can securely go in a hat

I wouldn’t carry it every day like this, but in a pinch it’ll work for a backup headlamp when I can’t get to my real headlamp.

Anyone try the convoy clip on a LuckySun D80? Picture maybe? :bigsmile:

You have to remove the “dl=0” from the end of the link and replace it with “raw=1” and tadaaa

Yup, fits pretty well. The groves are a little wider though so it can slip up and down a bit.

I’ll add a pic in a little bit.

This is what I did by unscrewing the head a little….

Looks like the O-ring is exposed so be careful.

Yeah, you’re right. It’s just as a temp thing in case I need to put it on my hat to be hands free.

You can wrap the threads with teflon plumbing tape to keep them water resistant and replace the friction lost being past the O-ring. I like your idea on this…

Thank cfy7!

FYI - I was just messing with mapache here.

I was waiting for someone to comment but he was busy and nobody else said anything…

I have no problem with Banggood but I now realize not everyone gets (or cares about) my humor. :stuck_out_tongue:

I definitely like this clip. There might be a few small tweaks in the future but this is a great step towards “clipperfection” :wink:

14500 sized tubes, is that one of the “tweaks”?