Recommend a budget UK legal to carry Knife Please

JayT - have a look at Fasttech - they have a massive range of folding knives in their sports and outdoors section - free (or very cheap) delivery options to UK. I’ve ordered 50+ different items from them and they’ve been super reliable - only one mislaid item which was quickly refunded. They have a huge range of SanRenMu knives, many of which are UK legal. If you want to know anything more about some of these knives just drop me a PM - I have quite a few of them so could give a reasonable run-down on which ones are better than others. They are all either well within your budget or hovering around it. But they’re excellent value.

Best regards,


“Non-locking”?? Really?

I know you were being ironic, but that’s mean. Here’s why:

It makes me sad to see how many people are forced to tolerate this sort of harm-inducing “regulation”…

As to the OP, I’m sorry, but I would never carry a knife that was designed to cut me when I use it, nor tolerate anyone who “required” me to do so. I committed to that the first time I shared Leif’s experience, and that commitment has served me well. YM (and scar tissue!)MV.

What are your permitted options in a fixed blade? If your ruling class is uncomfortable with your personal safety with useful tools, that seems to be the only viable option.
EDIT: Sorry, I type slow. Apparently you’re not permitted any fixed blade knife? Really? That makes me sad. Maybe flint-knapping… A nice obsidian blade would be “fixed”, but it wouldn’t show up on a metal detector, and there’d be no order-history trail to connect it to you.

Sorry I couldn’t help.

BTW, you might check the Letter of the Law to see if there’s a modern lock design that isn’t specifically prohibited to you.

And buy a cut-proof glove!!!


Sanrenmu Plus 4077

Worth a look!

This is a great review also!

Yeah we’re not even allowed a pointy stick here.

The legislation is laughable.

That radical level of over-regulation makes me think… Do you have something similar to our “Occupational Safety and Health Administration” (OSHA)?

Since a non-locking knife essentially puts your fingers in the path of the cutting edge of the tool, with no safety other than a low-friction pivot joint and the finesse of the user, I’d bet (no, that’s illegal here) that non-locking knives are banned in another section of your rules.

Here’s a thought: Take a Road Trip to Sheffield. Unless the haters have bombed that town into rubble, I’d bet they still know how to smite a blade there…

my edc

This is mine:

But since the knife blades are folding, it is semi-useless as a knife apart from basic tasks e.g. whittling. Victorinox are well made from good quality steel, well finished, and last a lifetime.

For those confused at the UK knife laws, the sub-3”, non-locking is what you can carry without any specific reason.

You can carry (pretty much) whatever you want with valid reason (however, without getting too bogged down with complications, self defense is not a valid reason). Ie, if you’re a butcher on the way to work, a full knife roll is legal; if you’re off camping, then a locking knife or fixed blade is legal.

You can’t just go into the pub or wander around ASDA (Wallmart) with the latest and greatest “12 inch serrated tacticool zombie slicer” fastened to your belt “because you want to”.

For the OP- Spyderco Bug is pretty nice but I usually have a Leatherman Squirt PS4 on my keys as the scissors and pliers are more useful than just a blade.

in a country where police got no guns what knifes you should be allowed to carry ??

A small locking knife.

Thank you scrumpypaul will take a gander at fasttech when i get a chance. Thank you all for the info to.

Love these threads where someone asks for knife recommendations and we all end up talking about laws. UK knife law is not as bad as some other places in the EU !. Other counties have much tighter laws with much harsher punishments for breaking them.

Different parts of the world have different laws, who is to say which are right and which are wrong.

I was always taught to treat every knife as an non locking knife for safety reasons. The main reason UK law is against fixed blades and lockers is to twats stabbing each other, H&S doesn’t come into it.

The history of the law is very long, but it is generally believed that lockers were include by mistake when the law was changed, and now there’s no going back.

By the way, UK Police do have guns.

@Jay T A cheap SRM slipjoint would be the best way to go. If you can increase your budget you could get a Boker Nano 42 (no locking) which is a great small knife.

Ummm… Actually, the question was “UK legal” knives. We cannot, in good conscience, advise our Friends to violate their local laws!

The OP question is not constrained by Science, Engineering, Manufacturing, Logistics or any other rational criteria except budget and the random vagaries of ruling-class opinions about their Subjects.

Just in case you were wondering why “we all end up talking about laws” sometimes…

+1 on this. Every spyderco knife I have just screams quality. I regularly carry either my Spyderco p’kal or my karahawk. My karahawk is going everywhere with me but the courthouse. Budget knives are unlike budget flashlights though. I can’t deal with cheap steel on a blade but that’s just me. To be honest most of the lights on here are quality lights that can be modded to last a lifetime.

Have a look at the Kershaw Chive. I know it’s over your stated budget but is still reasonably priced. Paying a couple bucks more for a quality blade that will last you a lifetime is well worth it in my opinion.

(Sorry not sure if the assisted open is UK legal but it can be easily removed, just take out the spring)

My favorite small EDC : Sanrenmu 4112 Hollow grind and very sharp. The 7112 version is slightly larger.

Spyderco is always very good stuff and for that reason worth the price. I’m wondering if anyone makes ‘clasp’ knives anymore? The blade is essentially locked by the hand in use but it has no locking mechanism per se, and therefore should might be legal- definitely safer though.

Automatic knives of any sort have always been illegal here. I used to carry large lock-backs.The knives had no springs or gravity-drop involved; just a totally stock lockback Schrade or Buck, but pull the knife out and the blade opened as it cleared the sheath. I used a surplus ‘boot blousing’ run through a hole in the bottom of the sheath secured with a knot, with the steel end slipped over the tip of the blade by hand as you stowed the knife. Always nicked the blades there which is one reason why I stopped doing it- the other was the reverse grip sometimes squeezed the lock open. It was impressive and more to the point legal back then. They’ve since changed local laws here requiring shorter blades and I’ve changed my ‘response carry’ to a less visible method which is actually faster: a pocket sheath with the blade already locked open. The law doesn’t say I have to carry my locking knife closed so I don’t and just because it’s open doesn’t make it a fixed blade either. Not much for cutting but a nice longish #1 Phillips screwdriver can be a formidable stabber with a bit of tuning on the tip and it is legal to carry in most places.

Laws are made for stupid people who intend to do wrong. Smart people do not do wrong, but have to put up with the same stupid laws so the best answer is to out-think them.


I’ve always liked the Svord Peasant knives. They are cheap and made from high carbon steel. The way they lock up in your hand is pretty cool too. Pretty much makes it impossible for the blade to fold down on your fingers.

Sawmaster, where is here?
By the way, I marvel that Californians haven’t changed their knife laws yet, I’m glad, but surprised.

Legal Knives in California
Bowie knives are legal.
Large knives are legal (no restrictions in size).
Carrying knives in the open is legal in California.
Carrying knives concealed is legal in California for most knives.

Illegal Knives under California Knife Law
Misleading knives are illegal. These include: cane knives (and shobi-zues), lipstick knives, belt knives, pen knives, air gauge knives, and pen knives.
All undetectable knives are illegal. These include knives that won’t set off metal detectors.
Dirks, daggers, and stilettos are illegal.
Ballistic knives are illegal.

That’s it, i’m moving :slight_smile: