Repulsor flashlight! Iron man would be happy to have it ;)

First impression, this must be a belated April Fools joke.

After I realized that it was for real… Man would I be embarresed being seen wearing that contraption.

I suppose it will appeal to the flashlight geek who just has to have one of everything but its not for me.

This thread sounds more like an ad, but it looks like a flood light based on the optics, you would want a hotspot, flashlights appear brighter when they throw farther.

this is BUDGET LIGHT FORUM, right?

man… i am seeing two powerful “driving lights” on gooseneck… both hooked up to a bag/pouch battery pack… corrugated plastic “automotive corrugated poseable wiring loom” on the gooseneck…

then we could PUT any emitter/lens/optic we wanted on the thing… plus not get prison-raped for battery prices from the company…

For some reason, I thought of Data (not the Star Trek version) when I saw the first image.


I would hate to have to twist my body to look at something to the side. What’s wrong with headlamps?

this reminds me of the guy, lttle ways back on here? his project was, he wanted “massive” but floody light… he wanted a 100watt COB led, and a backpack for massive runtimes… this seems similar idea,

I want those Maglites! Where is this clearance sale of clearance items? O:-)

How warm will these get?
Xenon lights?
It looks Russian with those connecting tubes, hmm Ukrainian.

So the main question, who you gonna send a sample for review? I suggest mhanlen if you want a cool video or DBCustom to bring it to our times with LED.

+1 on that thought. If lights mounted on your waist was a better idea; Hunters, Hikers, Spelunkers and Coal Miners would have figured it out by now.

Not saying I’m not curious though. Hopefully someone mentioned above will get one for review.

This thing reminds me of the first time I ever went Elk hunting. I had no one to show me how it was done so I thought it would be a good idea to throw my truck battery in my back pack and go find the Elk with a big spot light. We found a massive herd and came back at the crack of dawn with our rifles. Of course they were long gone.
The only smart thing I did that night was parking the truck on a big down hill so I could bump start it with a dead battery.

Make a better Coon hunting or Caving light. I could see a market for that.

Lemmie see: 100W at 12V is 8.3A, so 8-12 Ah is correct. An efficient power source is 18650 cells, you need 3 in series to get to 12V, and 3 strings to get 9 Ah, so if yoy want maintain the 100W for an hour, at least 9x18650 cells (3000mAh) will run this thing. I do not see them quite, but perhaps they are there :slight_smile:

And then, as mentioned, there’s the 2x 40W of heat from those limited size heads with no attempt at finning it off. Perhaps this is not intended for continuous use?

As with many kickstarter projects, about the technical background there’s some guessing involved…

I have a feeling it being around the waist will feel very bizarre. Bear in mind when we usually use a flashlight it’s either on our heads or hands, both of which are automatically tracked by our brains. The waist on the other hand…that’s just completely new. Can you imagine if a user had to really quickly angle the light up but the host was too hot to touch? That’s how memes are born.

I might be completely missing the point here, but this setup just doesn’t seem like a good idea. I can’t imagine any significant market for it.

Well they got the name right at least. I’m repulsed. :confounded:

No, the projectors aren’t automotive now, but we’re working on making them so :wink:

I am more or less switched off when he mentioned “Bugatti Veyron in the world of torches”.

So they are HID? or are they LED? Sorry for the dumb question if I missed the tidbit somewhere.

The heat issue is the first thought I had when looking at the design.

Thanks for posting on the forum!

Thanks for your support and interest :wink:
Yes, we’ve got many questions and offers about separating the two halves and making them automotive, so that’s really in our plans!

They’re HID :wink:
(for this reason our topic was deleted from the LED Category forum, lol)

Thanks for your answers!
The flashlight has in fact two modes: power (200 meters) and superpower (1000 meters).
As for the LED version - it is in our plans for future. However, at the present we are working only on the HID version, trying to make it better and better :slight_smile: