You guys are right! What was I thinking? Make it 4S AA for Eneloops! In fact, a buck driver that could handle up to 4S Li-Ion would cover us, wouldn’t it?

*click for on (on memorised brightness)
*click for off
*when on: hold for ramp up, release when brightness is there
*when on: click-hold for ramp down, release when brightness is there

(this is the simple white part of the further very extended DrJones RGBW UI, works easy and intuitively, this is also how my Photon micro works)

If this came into being, I would do the large one but would do the baby one in a heartbeat!

Well start with the 18650 and hopefully make a baby after that.
We can’t put an little orphan onto this world now can we :wink:

How about choosing a ramping driver? Simple to operate, infinite brightness levels so ideal setting for all occasions and users.

Would it be possible to operate this on 3 rather than 4 18650 cells to reduce the weight a bit?

I’m in.

Interested in one depending on price.

2 requests:

  • An option for Host only. Would be attractive to those of use loaded with drivers and emitters.
  • Battery tube extensions. So many folks would love to make their SRK’s 2S4P, 3S4P, even 4S4P! The mod options would become endless. Especially, if the tubes could also fit the TK61 and TK75 (The TK tubes fit the M6, but not the other way around).

I’m in for 1 at least.

Prefer no lighted tailcap, have enough of them now.

Well, it would technically be possible to run it off just one 18650, since they run in parallel. You can put any number you want 1 - 4 into yours. :wink:

Ramping function sounds neat for fine-tuning, but sometimes I’m in a hurry. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can we still have direct access to a few well-spaced modes from both on and off states?

Highly interested!

interested but there is klarus g30 and thorfire s70 on the way so i kinda tight budget this month :person_facepalming:

how about 3x emitter 3x c3ll (1-3) form factor?

Very much interested !


Always wanted a srk sized light.

Interested, in both this version and the baby one. I really like the above described UI. While I like TK’s UI on the A6 and X6/X5, it can be a challenge to quickly describe it to someone when they are using the light momentarily. “Click on, click off, click and hold to ramp it up or down.” is pretty obvious. Without actually showing a noob, “short half press” and “long half press” don’t really mean anything to them.

I am in for several of those depends of stats/price ofc, i would like to see some high binned HML/XPL emitters plus a ramping driver inside, or at least programmable

I love my SupFire M6 with XM-L2 U3 2A’s, Narsil firmware with UI configurable modes from 1 to 8, and UI configurable moon mode level, plus a locator LED next to the switch that can blink out the voltage level as well, nice lockout feature, and latest updates: easy ON/OFF of the locator LED to reduce parasitic drain down to 0.016 mA (10+ years to drain one cell). Goes from 0.1 lumens to 5000 lumens.

Biggest gripe I have on the M6 is the weight, but it helps in cooling, but it’s not the most efficient design for cooling - doesn’t use the mass effectively. Having four 219C’s, it may have potential high amp issues on a FET driver, but depends on some overall component choices.

$40 and 500 pieces is an optimistic goal for what you have listed, though I think there would be a big demand for a quality SRK 4-5 LED light. Having worked on SRKs with 3’s and 5’s, I think I would prefer 5 to 4, with one being centered. If you go with copper MCPCB, much, much better to have one single custom made copper DTP MCPCB to mount all 4-5 LED’s on, but again, probably very costly to do. 4 or 5 individual MCPCB’s is doable, probably costly though for parts and assembly.

For 3 LED SupFire M6’s, you can fit 20 mm MCPCB’s. For 5 LED’s, I’ve fit 16 mm’s but had to trim them down. Not sure of 20’s would fit for 4, but 16’s should with no trimming.

I have too many SRKs now. Let’s do a 3x 14500 with single XHP50
Or do an M6 with 3 XHP50s

Also don’t forget about the Darth and Padme. I would buy something with that styling.

Okay, great idea! Go ahead and start the Group Buy thread for us! :wink: