Home Depot Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

I meant the price check stations

Oh. Derr……didn’t even notice. Those are nice. We don’t have any either. Would save a lot of hassle taking stuff up to the self checkout and then having to walk it all the way back when it rings up the wrong price.

You da man :+1:

Man, you guys don’t miss anything!

Came here to post about the LED Worklights and you guys are already discussing them.

The larger of the 2 is also on sale, was $79.97 now $48.06. It’s the one with the tall stand, rated 1720 lumens at ~30W. Would make a great CXA host, it’s got a lot of mass. At 30W you could double the output and get better quality light to boot. I’ve been watching to see if they’re going to drop anymore, but I don’t have a grasp on the .06, .03 pricing thing.

On another note, we have one Home Depot within reasonable driving distance, and they’re completely wiped out as far as handheld lights and headlamps go, and I missed them all :frowning:


I got 2 penny lights. Plastic

Well, you gotta walk before you can run. So they say :slight_smile:
radioshaq broke straight into a sprint with his penny Maglites
Now that you know you can do it, you can do it again, and again. :wink:

haha - and now i have my eyes on the defiant armourmax 3Ds currently at the 3 price. i have seen some stocks of them at a couple of locations around my area.

I found a whole tray of them today, but they were in the overhead.

That Blue Tape freaked me out. When the HD guy went up to get them for me he scanned the price. That’s when he said He couldn’t sell them to me, they were “pennied out”

I asked him if the Blue Tape meant they were not to be sold and he said, no, only so that they wouldn’t fall down. So I asked him to scan the lights to the left that were also wrapped in Blue Tape and they scanned at $34.97

I made up for that by getting lots of other stuff for a penny :slight_smile:

The stores here use ‘rolling stairs’ to get their employees to the high shelves. If one is hndy and no employees are in sight I grab it and use it similarly. Or I ask a passing employee to grab from the top shelf for me because the bottom shelf was empty. They give the bottom a quick look for it and not seeing it and go right up for me. “How many did you want?” :smiley: And no climbing antics on my part either (though that’s been known to happen too).


yeah, I blew it. I REALLY blew it.
I just noticed his hand scanner says there are 15 On Hand! :confounded: :confounded: :confounded:

What ya need to do is find one of theor store hand scanners for sale for a penny! Then you can check merchandise all day long yourself. Get the price, location, etc. Lol

We can wish, right?

They penny blocked dchomak?

I can’t believe dch got a pic of the guy holding the scanner! What did you tell the guy - “Hang on, I need to get a pic to post online on a flashlight forum”?


i wondered that too, i thought maybe the guy put it down and went off to do something else, but they don’t often leave scanners sitting out on purpose

So THAT’S what they did too me!
It’s comforting to know it has a clinical name, now I feel a little better. :wink:

You can’t tell from the picture, but as I wrestled him to the ground and had him pinned on the floor, I managed to get off this shot.
When I came to my senses, I quickly exited the store.
I’m OK now, really.

But enough of the penny stuff.
This mediore 4 - cell charger with 2 - AA NiMH cells first caught my eye when it was reduced from $9.97 to $6.10

I knew that eventually it would go to the “6” price and then the “3”. With a supposed 3 price of $2.53 it would be a good catch for gifting. Some electronics take 4 - AA NiMH cells and a 2 cell charger just doesn’t cut it. Besides this charger can also charge 4 - AAA cells also. AND this charger with 2 other AAA cells is THE perfect companion for the Mag mini combo which I had already been watching and waiting. Now that I had gotten the Mags, I was waiting for this charger. Once the charger went to the “6” price, I noticed something strange. Different stores had different “6” prices

When they finally hit the “3” price, any store that still had them rang up for $2.53. All stores that had correctly tagged them at 2.53 were sold out. Only stores that had not tagged them at the correct price of $2.53 had stock. So far I have found a total of 6.

Went by my ‘usual’ HD today (#1104) and cruised the whole store, only to find nothing. Hardly anything marked down and not a single “6” or “3” price. So that’s it, I’ll not be going back to that one. 2 more HD’s nearby just about as close so they’re me from now on. I’ve seen “6” deals at one of those so I’ll try them first.

I’m determined to join the “penny club”!


Do penny items show up on the HD website?

I think even if they do come up they are marked discontinued

Just left my local home depot. Lots of “6” deals, some “3”, and a bunch of oddball markdowns (like 50% off). Picked up a black light bulb (A19 incand.) sticker priced at $1.03 with a D.O.B. of 2/09/2016 and it rang up $1.03! Saw tons of Rust Oleum special concrete paint gallons marked down to $13.03 (reg. over $50).


Is this the bulb? I started to grab them all until I noticed the were incans. Notice these are $1.23 here, so quit your complaining :wink:

Boy, an LED black light would be sweet.
I would settle for a yellow LED bug light even, I have never seen one.