Astrolux S41 measurements (Quad Nichia 219B, 18350/16340/18650)

The numbers seem rather low though, frequency should be 18 - 19kHz with this driver. The med2 value looks like a copy/paste error, according to Toykeepers code all modes except lowest one should run with fast pwm with the frequency mentioned above .

Excellent review


Excellent review with new/unique style.!

Ok, thanks for the heads up. I’ll double check the pwm.

Out of curiosity I checked the pwm frequency of a ATtiny13a sitting on my breadboard, and my old DMM says 15 kHz. Can’t use my oscilloscope for double check, it is even older, analog and totally de-calibrated. Attiny datasheet says the internal clock oscillator calibration has been done in factory - but not very accurate I guess …

maukka, two thumbs up for your detailed review!! :+1: :student:
Thanks for that!

To get the specified clock tolerance you have to use the default internal oscillator (9.6 MHz for the tiny13). The calibration factor for the other oscillator is there, but you have to apply it manually in firmware. Look for the OSCCAL register.

Very nice review!

Great! I read through with interest.

edit: just wondering, did you see readings from initial flash lumens when power ON?
Over 1K lumens @30sec aint bad for this size of light anyway :sunglasses:

Ah, that’s interesting. I just fused the ATtiny mentioned above to 9.6 Mhz and the pwm frequency reading is now very accurate. I guess I can’t read the calibration value from Attiny program code?

Thanks for the excellence review @maukka

Great review! Thanks.
I love this tiny high cri quad copper head!

Yes, the turbo lumens at power on are in one of the runtime graphs:

For the 18650, the numbers are 1364 lumens at 0 sec and 1175 lm at 30 sec.

That’s professional maukka! Thanks you! :slight_smile:

Wow! Really awesome info. Thanks for all the effort you put into this.

I verified the light pwm. The pwm frequency is 17,2 kHz on all modes other than moonlight which is 8,6 kHz. Thanks for your tip!


Ah :smiley:

Very nice for the start :partying_face:

Excellent info. Thank you maukka :THUMBS-UP:

Awesome review! I was searching for over discharge protection and your review answered my question!

Just purchased a pair of Samsung 30Q cells for this light i received yesterday, was wondering if anybody is using this battery along S41? Read on some post that 30Q provides too much Amp for this light and it will over heat very quickly. Any chance of the 30Q damaging it?