Toykeeper Appreciation Gift _ Hardware Upgrades

I’ve got no objections. :wink:

What say others?

I say we divert $15 to Tom E
Not for him but to cover the costs of a Q8 Narsil prototype driver and shipping to Toykeeper.
She asks for a AT85 based light and we know she has at least 1 srk that accepts it :wink:

Great suggestion. Dale had a similar idea when I PM’d him for advice.

EDIT: PM message sent to Tom E.

I’m in for USD 15:-

I am good with it… Still the cheapest code development I have ever paid for… :smiley:

Tom E is another, yes there are quite a few, tireless worker behind the scenes here not only on the Q8, that is unseen by most here.

Put me down for $10.

I’ll happily throw in $5. The minimum because I am not in good financial straits right now, but I really want to say thank you in a small way for all TK’s contributions.

$5 for me as well (my flashlight budget is a bit tight, large project coming soon). TK’s contributions have been priceless for this community!

Count me in for the balance what is needed for our Sorceress and her new tools. ;)

$15 from me for TK’s test-lights/hardware, for Toykeeper, for Tom’s costs, for development progress in general on BLF (I really like what has been done over the few years I’ve been here).

And for that nice money-o-meter of post #2 :slight_smile:

Please put me down for $10.00

No no no no no… Seriously, don’t send me money. It’s an abstract concept to me and doesn’t convert easily into concrete things of value. I wouldn’t know what to do with it. The things I really need either cost way too much, like enough cash to never work again, or are priceless, like time and motivation.

Maybe I’m weird, but when someone gives me an Amazon gift card or something, it tends to go on a pile of things-to-do until I find it expired years later. But if someone gives me a hand-written letter, I cherish it and read it over and over. I care less about your donation and more about your participation.

If you really want to help: make something cool, build a few, and send one to me to write the code for. Do the parts you’re good at so I can do the parts I’m good at, and we’ll make something together. Or even better, make something cool and share it with everyone.

I don’t think you’re weird. Just an enlightened human being.

I want to donate 15, I sent a PM to dash..

Paypal was already sent to JoshK. Thanks

Maybe you can use my 15 for shipping? Put some cash in there? I really did not want to be late to give.

I've always given support in the forums for her work. Also love using the firmwares.

We far surpassed our goal. So, let’s stop adding to the list. PM sent to all contributors.

Now, what to buy?

I’ve got a couple of PM’s in to Tom E and to Richard at RMM. I’ll report back my findings. Any other suggestions?

Hardware apparently. :question:

Another suggestion:

A hot-air soldering station to help build circuits.