1. Do you imagine minimum distance between fins and minimum fin area/distance proportion to start process you are talking about?
  2. Do you really think ribs can help to desperse more heat with same heatsink area?
  3. Do you think that thousands of industrial lights manufactures, electronic devices manufactures and others who use rough formula 1W heat=20sq.cm to estimate heatsink/case dimentions are complete noobs?
    Such fins:

    can desperse 10W for long time:

    Is anybody still sure that talking about adding extra 20-30sq.cm. from ribs to 50+W flashlight is a good idea?

OK the manual clearly states:

Then, for the most part we rely on liquid cooling.
As soon as the temperature of the housing rises above the hand temperature blood will take away heat.
OK we get this is not enough to keep it cool on turbo.
But is there any 4000+ lumens tube flashlight that can be run on highest mode without getting warm/hot?
The new Olight R50 seeker reaches 50C in just under two minutes and feels too hot to handle, the S70 and L6 need about 6 minutes to reach that temperature now (it is summer hereand warm)

We simply can’t make an extremely long and heavy tube of fins so it can run unattended on turbo till the cells are drained.
And well, if no other portable flashlight manufacturer does it on normal high powered production lights geared at the normal consumer, I don see why we would in a special light geared at modders and people who know about flashlights.

The L6 can run with no heat issues on high at approx. 1300 lumens. If you can beat that output with no heat issues then you are doing well!

Check this post of Tom
Setting it lower at 1300lumens means even less heat and power consumption.

kiraba - no one thinks a few more fins, or a few more cm's of surface area will solve the problems of dispersing 60W of heat - adequately for a full discharge time, which would be about 1 hour with turbo timeout disabled. Would it help? Would it allow the light to run safely at 25% power for 4 hours? Where's the cutoff? What's the definition of "safe"?

We already have a turbo timeout feature. Is it enough? We could add temp monitoring using the internal temp sensor - is it accurate enough to be practical?

I would say we go as far as we can go with finning without adding cost or sacrificing anything significant (size, esthetics, etc.). But my vote at this point is for no more changes and end of these discussions - we need to get/keep the ball rolling, we need a true prototype/sample from the manufacturer.

We can't do any heat tests til we get a prototype and I can tweak the turbo timeout, and possibly do some testing on temp monitoring/adjustments.

2.6mm wide fins, 2.6mm wide gap. Square cut. 4747 lumens triple running from a 32650 TrustFire. It’ll run til the cell is dead. I’ve run it on Turbo on 12 minute walks to the road taking the trash out, it get’s pretty warm but won’t burn the fingers.

Diameter is 48.5mm, the only deeper fins are at the emitter shelf area, 16.5mm in overall length with 3 fins, 4 gaps. Large copper heat sink threaded in that is made light engine style with the emitters mounted on top and driver in a driver bay at the bottom. Works really well.

You can’t say that more/deeper fins and more mass won’t work, because it does. The TrustFire TR-J20 has a plethora of cooling fins but the lower ones don’t tie in to where the heat is coming from. By machining a large aluminum heat sink to take the heat down to those lower fins the light is capable of dispersing the heat from 268 watts of power.

I made a similar heat sink and a finned extension tube for Richard and he pulled 34,000 lumens from the big TR-J20. Fins and mass, that’s what it’s about.

Realistically speaking, the Q8 won’t be able to disperse the full power available for a lengthy amount of time. A longer finned section with deeper fins would help, but wouldn’t solve the compact nature of this light.

What a beautiful light Dale
Do I understand correctly that it has 1 big cell and this a nice thick walled tube?
It does run longer then 12 mins (or how long does it take to get the cell down?)

…AND it’s Titanium - not good for thermal dissipation.

Yeah Dale adding almost 3cm with fins would certainly help
Also using 1 cell and thus having a very thick (finned) tube would again certainly help.
Yet it would become a completely different light :wink:

That’s 6061 Aluminum David, should be the same as the SRK.

Using 4 18650’s as compared to one high capacity 32650 is virtually the same thing. More capacity and somewhat better tolerance to sag under load with 4 18650’s, but the same 4.2V power supply. The big 32650 can deliver higher current than even the best 18650.

I wasn’t saying that was the answer to the heating/cooling issues of the Q8, I was merely giving an example that this kind of output and current can be dealt with. A few more fins coming from a bit of extra length in the head wouldn’t radically change the SRK, the lines would remain the same and it’d be instantly recognizable and still have interchangeable parts. It was merely a suggestion anyway, in relation to the heat issue. Only use it when it’s below 40ºF and there isn’t an issue. :wink:

Edit: The full length finned body is only cosmetic, the fins were added to give grip so the light wouldn’t slip in the fingers when pressing the tail switch. It’s a unibody design though, so yeah, thick walls top to bottom and all one piece. The SRK does have fins, but they’re so shallow as to be very inefficient. Some added diameter to allow a deeper fin and some extra length to add a few fins would sure go a long way towards run time in Turbo. And yes, it would somewhat change the appearance. Again though, I’m not proposing the light be changed, was merely suggesting better utilization of materials could make a difference.

Yes, the light I made runs on a single huge cell. Run time, from it’s 6000mAh capacity. My light is barely larger in diameter on the outside than the driver on the SRK. What it Does have is a pretty massive copper light engine. That’s another way to deal with the heat, don’t use an emitter shelf at all but thread a copper heat sink into the light. But then, it’d be really tough to do that with a $44 target budget. It all get’s so complicated, which is why I wasn’t saying much to begin with. Building a 5000 lumen light around a base budget light that’s well known for it’s lack of thermal ability is where the issue comes from to begin with. Improve it in All directions and price goes up as does the overall effectiveness of the light.

Just thinking out loud, maintaining my talks-too-much reputation. :smiley:

Count me in for one

Regards Xandre

Here’s what I was pointing at… (didn’t spend much time on the picture so please don’t critique, the general idea is there)

That is a good idea actually, it would be cool if the reflectors could be made deeper as well but then it would not be a plug and play swap to the stock SRK reflectors.

Well we warned Thorfire that a definite outside head is needed to close this chapter and move forward to other things.
When writing the email it was just the bezel and button for the outside…
Deeper reflector no for reasons mentioned.
An extra 8 mm for two extra fins and more mass could be proposed if we do not receive a CAD that is good for the outside fast and others think so.

Interesting driver V5 ia brought to attention and all talk is about fins. I assume that means good job on the driver :wink:

I see no reason to mess with the larger body just for it’s own sake but like you said if there are any other issues might as well see what can be done about that at the same time.

Me thinks so :+1:

Cheers David

Please put me in for one of these flashlights.


Ah will update OP later.

Any comments on the new V5.1 driver board design by PD68 after DEL and Tom have tested and experimented on V2/V3 to get to this major overhaul?

The Miller, I can say that I like the new board, but it will be meaningless, since I don’t know anything about drivers and PCB layout. I’m trusting that since there is plenty of testing going on with such talented guys, the driver board will be as close to perfect as possible before we’re through. I do appreciate all the effort, guys. I just don’t understand it well enough to make any significant contribution. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think most of the discussion which was to happen has already happened in the firmware thread. As far as I can see, it could very well be the final version. The only thing which might be nice to have is the full list of component values instead of having to dig around various threads.