New Convoy C8 – Clearly better

Available to order now :slight_smile:

But in the link you provided, this support is added with only two wires? Who whoever produces these driver boards, could add this support very easily in a new board revision?

Promo price for first 100 buyers?

The fuse settings are in bin/ in the repository:

avrdude -c usbasp -p t13 -u -Uflash:w:$FIRMWARE -Ulfuse:w:0x75:m -Uhfuse:w:0xFF:m

The stock nanjg drivers do not have the 7135 chips split into groups; there is only one power channel. So, that’s what the firmware uses. The code is written to match the hardware, and the hardware could not be modified for this project.

After trying both, I actually prefer tailcaps without the finger cutouts. They tailstand better and I don’t have to care which way the light is rotated.

It’ll work, but it doesn’t use the extra power channel on the moonlight special. If you have 4x7135 total, it’ll only use 3x7135. You might want to look at the blf-a6 firmware for something which uses both power channels, or blf-a6/tk-otc.c or blf-a6/cypreus2/, or whichever flavor of STAR suits your needs. Or you could modify bistro-mini to add 2-channel support back to it, but it’ll use more space and there’s literally no space left by default so that means removing something else to make room.

You may also want to recalibrate the voltage values, since I don’t think RMM’s drivers match the nanjg drivers exactly. And you could probably make moon run faster (8 kHz) too, since RMM uses higher-quality 7135 chips.

Okay, I get it. Asking for name input was probably a bad idea. :slight_smile:

If nobody has any major objections, I kinda like “biscuit”.

I knew I should stay away from this forum.
Now I have gone and ordered two new clear Convoy C8s and 1 clear L6.

Some people never learn. :smiley:

look at this How To Build a Flashlight With Perfect Modes (picture heavy) - #834 by Serp

Spot on, Toykeeper and thank you. The tail cap reads 1.13A (3x7135 instead of 4). I will just solder off the last AMC chip and keep this light as it is. Your software is just too amazing!

Will have a look whether I will adapt it for multi-channel drivers as 3x 7135 is bright enough for my simple EDC lights.

We now know your name is J*n G.

Oy! :slight_smile:

I have a wight PZL driver (wight’s version of the Moonlight Special) and I use a lightly-modded version of blf-a6/cypreus2 on it. I like having more blinkies instead of runtime config options. The interface is more or less as shown in this diagram:

You would need to recalculate the ramp and calibrate the voltage and maybe recalibrate the OTC values too, and it’s possible the two power channels might be swapped… but otherwise it should work. :slight_smile:

Mine is in a 8x7135 light with a triple 219B in a one-of-a-kind compact brass 1x18650 host Dale made as a challenge. It only makes 800 lumens, but it’s 800 really nice lumens.

I prefer “biscotti” for two reasons: 1) It sounds nicer, more refined, more serious. 2) I love coffee. :smiley:

Promo price for BLFers, pretty please? :smiley:

Thanks. So basically manufacturer of Nanjg 105c/105d could easily and for pretty much the same cost produce a version with independent control of 7135 chips? Perhaps this is the route Convoy should take? Considering these drivers are produced specifically for Convoy, as J-Dub74 said?

TK , where can i find the biscotti firmware ?
(Yes , i like this name LOL )

I don’t think you can motivate them enough to adopt a different PCB design. Or maybe I’m too skeptical.

Compared to pretty much any other brand, all of Convoy’s prices are promo prices. Simon doesn’t mess around with inflated prices so he can offer “deals” on special occasions; he keeps his prices low by default. He doesn’t skimp on parts or quality either; ever since he got into lights he has consistently made top-notch items. Many of BLF’s biggest projects have attempted to deliver Convoy-level quality but most have fallen short. It’s kind of amazing he doesn’t charge more.

Can this new firmware be flashed to existing stock Convoy lights (S2+, M1, C8)? Does it matter if the light was purchased with default 3+5 mode group or some other mode group?

+ 1 … :+1:

That was basically the whole point of this firmware. Convoy’s driver hardware isn’t changing significantly. So, the ‘new’ drivers are essentially the ‘existing’ drivers with the new firmware flashed to the MCU. Other minor changes include a different color PCB, apparently.

I’m just now flashed Nanjg 105D 8*AMC7135