SRM F3-710 Aliexpress?

I’m looking for a SRM F3-710 (rather than the F1-F10). I see that Aliexpress has it and I can’t find it in stock elsewhere.

Does anyone know of another place and has anyone had decent experience with Aliexpress. I saw the thread where no one there appeared to have a good experience.

AliExpress is not a seller, it is basically eBay for Chinese companies.

Thanks. I wasn’t sure about that.

Has anyone bought any SRM 710 models other than the SS or black ones?

I have ordered twice from AliExpress seller Hello Gift with very good results.

He is a member here on BLF, and has a good selection.

I’ve also ordered a few flashlights from other sellers with no problems, but have heard some horror stories.

As said above, there are lots of sellers there, and I would make sure they have some positive feedback before pulling the trigger.

Good luck.

gcbryan, maybe it’s really worth finding another supplier… if possible. I just checked his other knives and, as an example, the 763 is almost twice as expensive as in Exduct. The other models they carry seem overpriced too. Did you check with the chinese sellers in the forum?