safety tip

Don’t EVER refill your butane soldering iron while it is running because you don’t want to lose your heat for a minute. Its a dumb move and I am submitting my name for Darwin award consideration. I actually thought about the bad things that could happen before I did it and still I did it. Freaking fireball is what that was. Done anything really stupid lately?

LOL! Good that you are (relatively) unharmed by this event.

But perhaps this should also be posted in the "Hairless" thread?

Just pulling your leg. Hope you dont take offence by my ramblings :-)

My father did something similar once and that was spectacular to say the least!

Glad your ok. A few days ago, I turned on the wrong burner on the stove and ruined my favorite frying pan.

When I was in Fiji I saw this little octopus in rock pool. Went to pick it up and it turned blue. Dumb!

I did something stupid August the 20th……sent WiseGuys 43.82$.I guess they think it was a donation or something….F**KERS!Sorry, a little bitter right now.

That was funny, Ledsmoke. But I’m glad Langcjl is still here to laugh about it.

So, my family and I spend a lot of time outdoors and we have all sorts of gear. To carry water, we usually go with a bladder, but we also use Nagene bottles w/nesting cups, Kleen Kanteens, and old school military canteens w/canteen cups. I got a bee in my bonnet one afternoon and got it in my head that I really needed to know *FOR SURE*which cup would boil water faster.

So I measure out two cups of water into each of the two cups and the KK. I turn on one of the stove’s burners (electric) and put the three containers on it and set the stop watch. On the other side of the stove, I had one of the military canteens and a dish towel laying partially on another burner. I walk into the next room to do who knows what. Then I smell something like a tire fire. “That’s odd”, I say to myself as I hustle back to the kitchen.

Long story short, I turned on the wrong burner and melted the canteen and set the towel on fire. Luckily, the sink is close by and I was able to quickly toss the flaming mess in there and get some water on it before things got further out of hand.

Needless to say, Mrs. Cone banned me from using anything in the kitchen and I was on the “no cake” list for two weeks.

Reminded me of Willie E. Coyote

Exactly. I can still smell the hair every time I take a shower, three days later.

Darwin award finalists are those who succeed in removing themselves from the gene pool. I’m glad to hear that you’re merely a chagrinned runner-up(or is it char-grinned), heh,heh.

Close encounter,but youve lived to gas another day.
Glad yr ok


In winter, we heat our house with a wood gasifier central heating system. I made the mistake to open the filling clap while the combustion chamber clap was also open.. result: jet of flame of over 1m. I heard the "WHOOOOOOSH" and jumped back, covering my face with my arms. One of my ears was a little red, one eyebrow was half missing and a few centimeters of my hair were missing. Smells really bad and it didnt go away until I got a haircut.

Lesson learned. :D